Ironing out the developing brain

In fruit flies, nerve stem cells need to receive iron from supporting cells in order to develop into the neural types of the mature brain.

Microscopy image of ferritin (red) and nerve stem cells (turquoise) in the fruit fly brain. Image credit: Zhixin Ma (CC BY 4.0)

Iron is an essential nutrient for almost all living organisms. For example, iron contributes to the replication of DNA, the generation of energy inside cells, and the transport of oxygen around the body. Iron deficiency is the most common of all nutrient deficiencies, affecting over 40% of children worldwide. This can lead to anemia and also impair how the brain and nervous system develop, potentially resulting in long-lasting cognitive damage, even after the deficiency has been treated.

It is poorly understood how iron contributes to the development of the brain and nervous system. In particular, whether and how it supports nerve stem cells (or NSCs for short) which give rise to the various neural types in the mature brain.

To investigate, Ma et al. experimentally reduced the levels of ferritin (a protein which stores iron) in the developing brains of fruit fly larvae. This reduction in ferritin led to lower numbers of NSCs and a smaller brain. Unexpectedly, this effect was largest when ferritin levels were reduced in glial cells which support and send signals to NSCs, rather than in the stem cells themselves.

Ma et al. then used fluorescence microscopy to confirm that glial cells make and contain a lot of ferritin which can be transported to NSCs. Adding iron supplements to the diet of flies lacking ferritin did not lead to normal numbers of stem cells in the brains of the developing fruit flies, whereas adding compounds that reduce the amount of iron led to lower numbers of stem cells. Together, this suggests that ferritin transports iron from glial cells to the NSCs. Without ferritin and iron, the NSCs could not produce enough energy to divide and make new stem cells. This caused the NSCs to lose the characteristics of stem cells and prematurely turn into other types of neurons or glial cells.

Together, these findings show that when iron cannot move from glial cells to NSCs this leads to defects in brain development. Future experiments will have to test whether a similar transport of iron from supporting cells to NSCs also occurs in the developing brains of mammals, and whether this mechanism applies to stem cells in other parts of the body.