Waves of relief

Terahertz radiations delivered in a specific brain region can help reduce nerve activity and lessen chronic pain in mice.

Molecular structure of a crucial filter in voltage-gated potassium channels (purple region) that allows potassium ions to pass through in the nerve cell membrane. Image credit: Dr. Kaijie Wu (CCBY 4.0)

Up to 1 in 10 people are estimated to experience neuropathic pain, a particularly challenging form of chronic pain where nerve damage causes extreme sensitivity to everyday stimuli. Current treatments often rely on painkiller drugs that can lead to serious side effects as well as dependency issues. New and effective interventions are therefore necessary.

One radically different approach is the use of ‘terahertz’ waves, a type of electromagnetic radiation that has the ability to affect the chemical bonds holding molecules together. In fact, previous research has shown that specific frequencies of terahertz waves can modify the activity of certain proteins. With this technique, it may therefore be possible to disrupt voltage-dependent potassium channels, a type of proteins which help to regulate nerve cell activity and is a possible target for pain therapy.

To explore this approach, Peng, Wang, Tan et al. investigated whether high-frequency terahertz stimulation that targets potassium ion channels could reduce neuropathic pain in mice. The animals, which had undergone surgery recreating nerve damage, were implanted with a device that allowed the delivery of terahertz waves into a brain region vital for regulating pain sensations. Experiments showed that delivering 36 terahertz radiations changed important ion channel properties (such as how easily they would allow ions to pass through), decreasing neuron activity and raising the pain threshold of the mice.

This finding indicates that, with further development, terahertz frequency stimulation could become a new, non-drug method to manage neuropathic pain. Additional research will be needed to see if terahertz waves could also be applied to other neurological disorders influenced by ion channel activity.