Media coverage: April roundup of eLife papers in the news

High-profile news coverage that eLife papers generated in April 2022, including BBC News, Sky News and The Sun.
Press Pack
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In our latest monthly media coverage roundup, we highlight the top mentions that eLife papers generated in April. You can view the coverage, along with the related research articles, below:

Gill et al.’s Research Article, ‘Multi-omic rejuvenation of human cells by maturation phase transient reprogramming’, was featured in:

  • BBC News – Rejuvenation of woman's skin could tackle diseases of ageing
  • Sky News – Turning back the clock: Human skin cells de-aged by 30 years in trial
  • CTV News – 'Time jump': Scientists say they can reverse aging of skin cells by 30 years
  • The Sun – New anti-ageing breakthrough could knock thirty years off wrinkly skin
  • The Times – Holy grail of anti-ageing comes step closer
  • Daily Express – How Dolly the sheep could help make you look 30 years younger
  • Business Insider India – Researchers have discovered a de-ageing technique that made skin cells 30 years younger
  • The Evening Standard – Scientists discover new method to reverse ageing in human skill cells by 30 years
  • Daily Star – Scientists reverse ageing in human cells by 30 years in groundbreaking study
  • MIC – Scientists ‘reprogrammed” old skin cells to function as young ones
  • Revista Galileu (Portugal) – Learn how the technique that allows you to rejuvenate cells by 30 years works (translated)
  • The Hippocratic Post – Old skin cells reprogrammed by 30 years
  • Der Standard (Germany) – Skin cells of a 53-year-old woman rejuvenated by 30 years (translated)
  • Santé Magazine (France) – Anti-aging: soon a technique to look 30 years younger? (translated)
  • Today (Italy) – How to rejuvenate your skin by 30 years (translated)
  • ANSA (Italy) – Skin cells rejuvenated by 30 years (translated)
  • Index (Hungary) – An amazing breakthrough: Rejuvenating a woman’s skin by thirty years (translated)
  • Times Live (South Africa) – Thirty years younger? The science of age reversal
  • HN Science (Slovakia) – Hope for slowing down aging. Scientists have rejuvenated skin cells by 30 years (translated)
  • Aktuálnê (Czechia) – Scientists have succeeded in rejuvenating skin cells by thirty years, hoping to slow down aging (translated)
  • (Poland) – It could be a revolution. Scientists say they can now reverse the aging of skin cells by 30 years (translated)
  • RTBF (Belgium) – Scientists have succeeded in rejuvenating 30-year-old skin cells! (translated)
  • CNN Türk (Turkey) – British scientists have found the method of rejuvenating skin cells by 30 years! (translated)
  • Portfolio (Hungary) – Did scientists find the secret of eternal youth? (translated)
  • Chosun (South Korea) – The skin of a woman in her 50s has rejuvenated into her 20s (translated)
  • CHIP (Poland) – 13 days of therapy and 30 years back. Here is an innovative method of cell rejuvenation (translated)
  • Aaj Tak (India) – Time travel of age: 60 years old will now look 30 years old (translated)
  • TGCom24 (Italy) – Human skin cells rejuvenated by 30 years (translated)
  • Capital (Greece) – Has the way been found to stay “forever young” (translated)
  • Neolaia (Greece) – Scientists found the "elixir" of youth - "Turned" the skin of a 53-year-old woman 30 years younger (translated)
  • Vogue (Brazil) – New study rejuvenates a woman’s skin cells by 30 years (translated)
  • Aventuras na História (Brazil) – Scientists rejuvenate woman’s skin by 30 years (translated)
  • HiComm (Bulgaria) – Scientists can turn the biological clock back 30 years (translated)
  • The Goa Spotlight (India) – Scientists rejuvenate skin cells by 30 years
  • Alghad (Jordan) – Scientists restore the skin cells of a 53-year-old woman to 30 years old (translated)
  • The Paradise News (Nigeria) – Scientists de-aged a woman’s skin cells by 30 years
  • Daily Beast – Scientists de-aged a woman’s skin cells by 30 years
  • Good News Network – Scientists rewind the age of skin cells by 30 years – and others nearby become more youthful too
  • Nerdist – Skin cells were de-aged by 30 years, can we reverse aging next?
  • Extreme Tech – Skin Rejuvenation Insights Could Help Treat Aging-Related Diseases
  • The Swaddle – Scientists are finding ways to reverse ageing. Is it worth it?
  • BGR – Revolutionary new de-aging technique made skin cells 30 years younger
  • YouAreUNLTD – We may soon be able to turn back time on aging skin cells
  • High Tech (Russia) – Old cells were reprogrammed, and they became 30 years younger: how it works (translated)
  • What Is Epigenetics – Epigenetic researchers turn back time on aging skin cells

Crotty Alexander et al.’s Research Article, ‘Effects of mango and mint pod-based e-cigarette aerosol inhalation on inflammatory states of the brain, lung, heart, and colon in mice’, was featured in:

  • The Sun – Popular e-cigarettes could ‘trigger dangerous damage to brain and heart’
  • New Atlas – Chronic e-cigarette use triggers brain, heart & colon inflammation in mice
  • Times Now (India) – E-cigarettes may alter organs, hamper the body’s ability to fight infection
  • Neuroscience News – Vaping alters inflammatory state of brain, heart, lungs, and colon
  • Canal Tech (Brazil) – Vape can cause brain, lung, heart and colon infection, study finds (translated)
  • BGR – Study reveals surprising effects vaping has on the brain and heart
  • Ahmedabad Mirror (India) – Pod-based e-cig will harm your immunity
  • Salon – Study suggests e-cigarettes can cause brain inflammation — with flavors affecting severity
  • New Telegraph (Nigeria) – E-Cigarettes alter inflammatory state of brain, heart, others
  • Puls Medycyny (Poland) – E-cigarettes disrupt the work of many organs
  • RTBF (Belgium) – What are the adverse health effects of vapes? (translated)
  • Sibmeda (Russia) – E-cigarettes cause inflammation in the brain, heart and colon (translated)
  • Correio Braziliense (Brazil) – E-cigarettes can cause infections in multiple organs, says study (translated)
  • Bel Novosti (Russia) – Scientists have found out how electronic cigarettes affect the immune system (translated)

Hawman et al.’s Research Article, ‘SARS-CoV2 variant-specific replicating RNA vaccines protect from disease following challenge with heterologous variants of concern’, was featured in:

  • Business Wire – HDT Bio demonstrates RNA vaccines matched to SARS-CoV2 variants protect against infection of upper airways, important for preventing transmission

The Research Article from Fanfone et al., ‘Confined migration promotes cancer metastasis through resistance to anoikis and increased invasiveness’, was featured in:

  • The Scientist – Traversing narrow channels helps metastatic cancer cells survive

This study was also summarised in the eLife press release, ‘Migrating through small spaces makes cancer cells more aggressive’.

Kay et al.’s Research Article, ‘The pupillary light response as a physiological index of aphantasia, sensory and phenomenological imagery strength’, was featured in:

  • CNET – Your pupils might reveal how strong your 'Mind's Eye' is
  • Vice – How pupil size can reveal what is—or isn’t—happening in your mind
  • Discover Magazine – Our eyes may hold evolutionary secrets
  • PotokMedia (Russia) – Psychologists from Australia have learned to find the lack of fantasy in the eyes
  • India Education Diary – Windows to the soul: pupils reveal ‘aphantasia’, the absence of visual imagination
  • Salud (Spain) – Study identifies the first possible symptom of aphantasia, the inability to imagine (translated)
  • PopMech (Russia) – Researchers have learned to identify aphantasy by the eyes of a person (translated)
  • Pourquoi Docteur (France) – Aphantasia: what if our eyes could reveal this neurological disorder? (translated)
  • Canal Tech (Brazil) – Pupil size can indicate whether someone is lacking in visual imagination (translated)
  • Life (Russia) – Australian scientists have learned to determine aphantasia in the eyes (translated)

DeBenedictis et al.’s Research Article, ‘Measuring the tolerance of the genetic code to altered codon size’, was featured in:

  • Quanta Magazine – Life with longer genetic codes seems possible — but less likely

Errington et al.’s Research Article, ‘Investigating the replicability of preclinical cancer biology’, was discussed in:

  • Medscape – Cancer researchers' data reproducibility problem undermines public trust

Wang et al.’s Research Article, ‘Air pollution particles hijack peroxidasin to disrupt immunosurveillance and promote lung cancer’, was featured in:

  • NewsClick (India) – Air pollutants impact immune cells in causing cancer
  • Puls Medycyny (Poland) – Why does fine dust in the air increase the risk of lung cancer? (translated)
  • Times of Oman – Newly found mechanism explains how fine air pollution particles may cause lung cancer
  • Infosalus (Spain) – Scientists identify a mechanism that explains how air pollution particles can cause cancer (translated)
  • Wiara (Poland) – Air pollution changes the lung tissue (translated)
  • La Razón (Spain) – Scientists explain how air pollution particles can cause lung tumours (translated)

This study was also summarised in the eLife press release, ‘How air pollution alters lung tissue, increasing cancer susceptibility’.

Osvaldo Villa et al.’s Short Report, ‘Genetic variation in ALDH4A1 is associated with muscle health over the lifespan and across species,’ was featured in:

This study was also summarised in the eLife press release, ‘Scientists identify genetic variants linked to mobility changes in aging’.

The Short Report from Afsar et al., ‘Drug targeting Nsp1-ribosomal complex shows antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2’, was featured in:

  • The Indian Express – Asthma drug blocks protein crucial to replication of coronavirus
  • To Vima (Greece) – Coronavirus: Common anti-asthmatic drug blocks SARS-CoV-2 key protein (translated)
  • Infosalus (Spain) – An asthma drug can block the crucial protein of the COVID-19 virus (translated)
  • Poisk News (Russia) – Asthma drug can block critical SARS-CoV-2 protein (translated)

Ozment et al.’s Research Article, ‘Cnidarian hair cell development illuminates an ancient role for the class IV POU transcription factor in defining mechanoreceptor identity’, was featured in:

  • SyFy – Freaky sea Anemone tentacles can feel because of the same gene that helps us hear
  • GEO (France) – Your “common point” with a sea anemone? A gene involved in sensory perception (translated)
  • FZN (France) – A study found a link between hearing and touch (translated)
  • Aaj Tak (India) – A sea creature gave humans the ability to hear, reveals a new study (translated)
  • eBioTrade (China) – Gene linked to human hearing is also linked to sense of touch in sea anemones (translated)
  • Science & Vie (France) – Humans and sea anemones share an amazing genetic link (translated)
  • Alghad (Jordan) – Scientists discover a strange genetic link between humans and anemones (translated)

Media contacts

  1. Emily Packer


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