Browse Inside eLife

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  1. eLife latest: Looking for a new Editor-in-Chief

    eLife is conducting an open search for a new Editor-in-Chief to succeed Randy Schekman.
  2. Peer Review: eLife’s trial closes for submissions

    Authors were invited to opt in to a trial process in which they decide how to respond to the issues raised during peer review.
  3. eLife Ambassadors: Progress of key initiatives at the midpoint of the programme

    Meta-research, a popular reproducibility workshop, research into best funding practices and a dedicated blog are just some of the projects underway to support early-career scientists and promote open science.
  4. Webinar Report: Removing barriers for women in science

    How are researchers supporting their early-career colleagues?
  5. Workforce diversity: Strategies for cultivating inclusion in research

    The organizers of a recent symposium on diversity challenges in science, technology, engineering and math outline approaches to improve diversity and inclusion across all career stages.
  6. Early-Career Advisory Group: Six new members announced

    Three graduate students, two postdocs and one PI will join the advisory group next month.
  7. Early-Career Advisory Group: Reflecting on a year of activity

    Over the past year, early-career researchers have built momentum on several initiatives and launched the eLife Ambassadors Programme and Reproducibility Workshops.
  8. Webinar Report: Supporting preprints in the life sciences

    Explore the new initiatives that are helping preprints to make a bigger impact.
  9. eLife latest: Considering how to preserve research software shared with eLife

    We present a publisher’s perspective on research software preservation at a UK workshop.
  10. In technology: Libero community call, June 2018

    The recording of our community call in June to demo a prototype version of Libero is now available.