389 results found
    1. Neuroscience

    Attentional modulation of neuronal variability in circuit models of cortex

    Tatjana Kanashiro, Gabriel Koch Ocker ... Brent Doiron
    Attention reduces noise correlations through enhancing inhibitory feedback in cortical networks.
    1. Neuroscience

    How biological attention mechanisms improve task performance in a large-scale visual system model

    Grace W Lindsay, Kenneth D Miller
    Implementing neural changes associated with attention in a deep neural network causes performance changes that mimic those observed in humans and macaques.
    1. Neuroscience

    Statistical learning attenuates visual activity only for attended stimuli

    David Richter, Floris P de Lange
    Prior expectations, induced by statistical learning, affect sensory processing only for attended stimuli, thereby constraining neurocomputational theories that cast perception as an inferential process integrating prior knowledge and sensory evidence.
    1. Neuroscience

    Simultaneous brain, brainstem, and spinal cord pharmacological-fMRI reveals involvement of an endogenous opioid network in attentional analgesia

    Valeria Oliva, Ron Hartley-Davies ... Jonathan CW Brooks
    Attention-grabbing tasks produce rapid opioid-mediated analgesia via the descending pain modulation network to alter spinal neuronal activity.
    1. Neuroscience

    Audiovisual task switching rapidly modulates sound encoding in mouse auditory cortex

    Ryan J Morrill, James Bigelow ... Andrea R Hasenstaub
    The brain processes the same multisensory stimulus differently when the way it sounds, as opposed to the way it looks, is useful for making a decision.
    1. Neuroscience

    The human cerebellum is essential for modulating perceptual sensitivity based on temporal expectations

    Assaf Breska, Richard B Ivry
    Cerebellar degeneration disrupts the use of interval-based temporal cues, but not rhythmic cues, to proactively modulate perceptual sensitivity, implicating the cerebellum in temporal control of visual attention.
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    1. Neuroscience

    Attention operates uniformly throughout the classical receptive field and the surround

    Bram-Ernst Verhoef, John HR Maunsell
    A spatially-tuned normalization model accounts for neuronal responses to attended or unattended stimuli that are presented inside the classical receptive field or the surround, and explains various other observations.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Attention stabilizes the shared gain of V4 populations

    Neil C Rabinowitz, Robbe L Goris ... Eero P Simoncelli
    Populations of neurons in the macaque visual cortex are subject to shared fluctuations in gain; these signals exhibit anatomical and functional structure, and their variability is diminished under attention.
    1. Neuroscience

    Attention-related modulation of caudate neurons depends on superior colliculus activity

    James P Herman, Fabrice Arcizet, Richard J Krauzlis
    The pattern of spatial attention preferences in caudate neurons is altered by superior colliculus inactivation, demonstrating that a superior colliculus to basal ganglia link is important for selective attention.
    1. Neuroscience

    Resolving multisensory and attentional influences across cortical depth in sensory cortices

    Remi Gau, Pierre-Louis Bazin ... Uta Noppeney
    The different laminar profiles observed across the cortical depth for multisensory and attentional influences indicate partly distinct neural circuitries of information-flow control.

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