Flexible manual interception task and behavioral performance
A Diagram of interception task.
B Touch endpoints distribution. Left panel shows three reaching-up example trials in five targetmotion conditions. The squares label the touch endpoints, and the circles and triangles are the target onset and stop location. The five target-motion conditions (-240°/s, - 120°/s, 0°/s, 120°/s, and 240°/s) are indicated in five colors (purple, blue, green, yellow, and red). Target starting location is randomly distributed. Right panel shows that the touch endpoints had uniform distribution around the circle (monkey C 772 trials, Rayleigh’s test, p=0.36).
C Implanted locations of microelectrode array in the motor cortex of the three well-trained monkeys. Neural data were recorded from the cortical regions contralateral to the used hand. AS, arcuate sulcus; CS, central sulcus.
D Three example neurons with PD shift, gain modulation, and offset addition. The peri-stimulus time histograms (PSTH) show the activity of example neurons when monkeys reached to upper areas in five target-motion conditions.
E The directional tuning curve of three example neurons with PD shift, gain, and addition modulation around movement onset (MO ± 100 ms, the same neurons as in Figure 1D, adjusted R2 of three neurons: 0.70, 0.84, and 0.60). Dots and bars denote the average and standard error of firing rates, respectively, colored as target-motion conditions.