GC activation increases MTC synchrony in an activity-dependent and location-independent manner
a) Cre-dependent AAV injected into the GC layer (GCL) of Gad2-Cre mice. A representative example showing restricted ChR2 expression in the GCL and the external plexiform layer (EPL), into which GCs extend dendrites (red, mCherry-ChR2; blue, DAPI). MCL, mitral cell layer; GL, glomerular layer. Scale bar, 0.1 mm.
b) Schematic illustrations of the experimental setup. Left: Three weeks post injection, MTCs were recorded while light-activating subsets of GCs. Right: MTC activity was recorded in response to odor stimulation alone (purple) or combined with light-activation of GC columns near the recording electrode or distant from it (blue). Scale bar, 330µm.
c) MTC spike synchrony to the gamma oscillation (ΔPPC1) significantly increases when we light-stimulated columns of GCs compared to odor-only stimulation (N = 54, P = 0.0016, two-tailed paired t-test). Only cell-odor pairs that were significantly odor-excited were analyzed (N = 18/31 cell-odor pairs; three spots were stimulated per cell odor-pair).
d) MTC spike entrainment does not depend on the GC location. The relation between the change in PPC1 caused by odor and GC stimulation as a function of the distance of the light-stimulated spot from the recording electrode. No significant correlation was found (N = 54 values from 18 cell-odor pairs, r = −0.03, P = 0.84, Spearman correlation). Zero denotes the spot above the recording electrode.
e) MTC spike entrainment is activity-dependent. The change in synchrony peaked when MTCs fired at ~25Hz.
f) Odor-evoked spike reference analysis. Two spike raster plots are shown, for odor only (left, purple), and odor with light-activation of a GC column (right, blue). In each raster plot, spikes are plotted relative to a randomly chosen spike during the odor presentation period (N = 400 spikes references, see Methods). Note, the potent spike entrainment when GCs are activated. This analysis was performed on a cell that had a sufficiently high firing rate. This cell is likely a tufted cell due to its potent entrainment at the high gamma range, as shown in (Burton and Urban, 2021; Fukunaga et al., 2014).
g) The power spectral densities (PSD) for the two conditions in f. A multi-taper analysis of the circular convolution of each spike raster plot was used to compute the PSD (see Methods).