Eed regulates craniofacial differentiation and proliferation from the neural crest.
(a) Brightfield coronal H&E images of E15.5 Sox10-Cre EedFl/WTor Sox10-Cre EedFl/Flheads. Anatomic structures are annotated (Ct, cortex; CP, cartilage primordium; CS, conjunctival sac; Gg, genioglossus muscle; HC, hyaloid cavity; Hg, hyoglossus muscle; L, lens; LV, lateral ventricle; Mb, midbrain; MM, masseter muscle; Np, nasopharynx; NC, nasal cavity; OB, olfactory bulb; OE, olfactory epithelium; OM, ocular muscle; RNL, retina neural layer; Sm/St, sublingual and submandibular ducts; T, tongue; TV, third ventricle; VF, vibrissa follicles). Scale bar, 1mm. (b) Coronal immunofluorescence images of E15.5 Sox10-Cre EedFl/WT or Sox10-Cre EedFl/Fl heads stained for ALPL (green) and Sox9 (red). Scale bars, 1mm and 100µm. (c) Coronal immunofluorescence images of E15.5 Sox10-Cre EedFl/WT or Sox10-Cre EedFl/Fl heads stained for Ki67 (green) and Vimentin (red). Scale bars, 1mm and 100µm. (d) Quantification of Ki67 immunofluorescence labeling index from E15.5 heads. (e) Coronal immunofluorescence images of E12.5 Sox10-Cre EedFl/WTor Sox10-Cre EedFl/Flheads stained for Runx2 (red) and Sox9 (green). Intracranial tissues demonstrate ex vacuo dilation and anterior herniation in Sox10-Cre EedFl/Fl heads. Scale bars, 500µm and 100µm. (f) Quantification of immunofluorescence imaging intensity from primary craniofacial cell cultures from E12.5 Sox10-Cre EedFl/WTor Sox10-Cre EedFl/Flembryos. All images are representative of ≥3 biological replicates. DNA is marked by DAPI. Lines represent means and error bars represent standard error of the means. Student’s t-tests, **p≤0.01, ***p≤0.0001.