Two-photon calcium imaging of DG activity in sleeping mice.
A. Left, schematic layout of two-photon imaging and EEG recording setup. Right, representative images showing putative granule cells (pGCs) and putative mossy cells (pMCs). Scale bars, 50 µm. B-C Representative two-photon recording sessions of field of views containing putative pGCs pMCs. From top to bottom: brain states (gray – awake, orange – NREM), EEG spectrogram (0-25 Hz), EMG, velocity (vel.), and calcium traces in individual cells. Red traces – upregulated cells, blue traces –downregulated cells, gray traces – non-significant cells. D-E. Left, Percentage of Up-, downregulated and non-significant cells from the entire recorded cell populations. Middle, quantification of calcium activity in different brain states in up-, down-regulated cells (pGCs: P<0.05 in up-regulated cells between NREM and MA, P=0.77 in down-regulated cells between NREM and MA; pMCs: P<0.001 in up-regulated cells between NREM and MA, P=0.63 in down-regulated cells between NREM and MA, paired t-test). Right, Averaged activity in up-, down-regulated pGCs and pMCs during microarousals (MA). Time 0 indicates the MA onset. Putative GCs: 369 cells from 3 C57BL/6J mice; putative MCs: 269 cells from 2 C57BL/6J mice.