Effect of experimental design changes on multigenerational ASI daf-7p::gfp expression levels after P0 PA14 exposure.
Box plots of results for 21 independent experiments are normalized to the average OP50 value by generation within each experiment for summary presentation (see Table 1 for experimental conditions). This figure includes the experiments shown in Figure 1. FK181 contains an integrated multicopy (MC) tandem array composed of the daf-7p::gfp reporter and the co-injection marker rol-6(su1006) (Murakami et al., 2001). QL296 is a single copy (SC) insert of daf-7p::gfp with unc-119(+) as the co-selection marker (Zhan et al,. 2015). Worms were cultured at either 20° or 25°C and exposed to one of three different PA14 isolates (B, Balskus; H, Hunter; M, Murphy labs). In some experiments worms were grown at 15°C for at least three generations prior to the P0 generation (indicated with parentheses, i.e. (15)20). The 95% confidence interval for the predicted absolute difference in means between conditions, normalized to the predicted P0 difference for each experiment when applicable, is presented in the lower portion of the figure. Figure S2 shows the same data for individual neurons, rather than the per animal mean. Statistical significance **** P< 0.0001, *** < 0.001, ** <0.01, * <0.05, ns > 0.05. Non-significant labels are omitted for clarity. † Indicate statistical significance with control higher than experiment. See Methods section for statistical methods.