Melanoma specific knockout of sox10 reduces tumor burden and induces phenotypic switching.
(A) Schematic of zebrafish tumorigenesis assay. Indicated plasmids are injected into one-cell stage embryos from crosses between mitfaCas9 and WT fish. Embryos were sorted for GFP+ hearts and BFP+ eyes and fish were screened every 2 weeks for tumors. (B) Tumor free survival curve. N=3 independent experiments. Tumors were tracked over the course of 50 weeks. Log-rank (Mantel-Cox) test was used to assess statistical significance, **** p < 0.0001. (C) Histology is shown for one fish from each injection group. Dotted lines indicate site of sectioning. Red chromogen was used for all IHC staining. Scale bars, 50µm. (D) Color thresholding was used on IHC images to calculate the percentage of nuclei that stained positive for sox9. NT-1 n=1222 cells, NT-2 n=1620 cells, NT-3 n=2185 cells, sox10-1 n=970 cells, sox10-2 n=594, sox10-3 n=1046. Cells from n=3 images were analyzed for each tumor. (E) Schematic of scRNA-seq experimental setup from Wouters et al. Patient derived cell lines were treated with siRNAs targeting SOX10 or NTC and scRNA-seq was conducted at 72hrs. (F) UMAP of scRNA-seq dataset for MM057 cell line from Wouters et al. Cells from siSOX10 and siNT conditions are labeled. (G) Normalized expression of Sox10 per cell in UMAP space. (H) Violin plots of normalized expression of Sox10 per cell. Median is shown as dashed red line. Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test was used to assess statistical significance, **** p < 0.0001. (I) Normalized expression of Sox9 per cell in UMAP space. (J) Violin plots of normalized expression of Sox9 per cell. Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test was used to assess statistical significance, **** p < 0.0001. Created with