Perceptual accuracy is strongly modulated by the joint history of target color and trial outcome. (a–d) Task performance conditioned on the histories of preceding trials having the same target color (S) and resulting in either correct outcomes (C, green spectrum; 1–4 preceding correct trials) or error outcomes (E, purple spectrum; 1–4 preceding error trials). (e–h) Task performance conditioned on the histories of preceding trials having a different (D) target color and resulting in either correct outcomes (C, green spectrum; 1–4 preceding correct trials) or error outcomes (E, purple spectrum; 1–4 preceding error trials). Formatting for the tachometric curves (a, e), choice accuracies in short-PT trials (b, f), choice accuracies in long-PT trials (c, g), and mean RT (d, h) is the same as in Fig. 2. The gray shaded area in a represents the range of the history effects for color repeats obtained without taking outcome history into account (from 1S–4S in Fig. 2a, blue curves), and the gray shaded area in e represents the range of the history effects for color switches obtained without taking outcome history into account (from 1D–4D in Fig. 2a, red curves).