Expression of Shh transcripts (A-C) and distribution of SHH protein (D) in the developing forebrain.
(A,B) Distribution in median (A) and caudal (B) coronal sections of Shh mRNA detected by in situ hybridization with an antisens Shh probe at E13.5 (A1,B1) and by RNAscope at E14.5 (A2-3,B2). Shh transcripts are strongly expressed in the medial ventral forebrain (SVZ and mantle zone of the MGE and septum, A1, A2), in the mantle zone of the CGE (B1,B2), in the zona limitans intrathalamica (ZLI in B1) and in the ventral midline of the 3rd ventricle (V3 in B1). RNAscope further confirmed the strong expression of Shh mRNA (A2, green) in MGE and septum regions that strongly express Lhx-6 mRNA (A2, red). Confocal observations in the SVZ and mantle zone of the MGE showed that Shh mRNA (green) is co-expressed with the Lhx6 mRNA (red) in a significant number of cIN (yellow cells in A3). (C) Confocal analyses at higher magnification of the double detection by RNAscope of Shh and Lhx-6 mRNA. Cells were identified on stacked images (Δz=1 µm) using Nomarski optic. In the lateral cortex close to the PSB (C1, z projection of 10 confocal planes) and in the dorsal cortex (C2, z projection of 10 confocal planes), a very small proportion of cells expressing Lhx-6 mRNA also express Shh mRNA (white arrows in C1,C2). Counting in the deep stream (SVZ-IZ) and in the MZ is shown in graph C3 (9-17 fields in three sections). A few progenitors in the cortical VZ express Shh mRNA at very low level (arrowhead, C1). (D) E14.5 forebrain coronal sections immunostained with antibodies directed against the N-ter domain of the activated SHH protein are imaged by epifluorescence (D1) and confocal (D2) microscopy. At low magnification (D1), SHH-Nter is slightly enriched in the ventral midline (black arrow) and at the ventricular angle (black arrowhead) near the PSB. Confocal analysis of SHH-Nter immunostaining (D2) shows immuno-detection in blood vessels and the presence of numerous bright dots all over the cortical neuropile. In the cortical neuropile, small bright dots align radially in the VZ (enlarged in D3), tangentially in the SVZ-IZ, and radially in the CP. On the ventricular side of the PSB and of the lateral-most part of the LGE (D3), larger SHH-Nter(+) brigth elements are aligned radially. Confocal images are a merged stacks of 10 images distant of 0.2 µm. CX, cortex; LGE, MGE and CGE, lateral, medial and caudal ganglionic eminence; V3, third ventricle; ZLI, zona intra-thalamica; Th, thalamus; Hyp, hypothalamus; PSB, pallium-subpallium boundary; VZ, ventricular zone; SVZ, subventricular zone; IZ, intermediate zone; CP, cortical plate; MZ, marginal zone. Scale bars: 500 µm (A, B, D1), 20 µm (C), 250 µm (D1), 50 µm (D2).