Transcriptional diversity of T cells in a healthy human donor.
(A) UMAP projections of the PBMC68k dataset obtained using the top 50 principal components (PCs), colored by clustering results obtained from the top 50 PCs, top 300 PCs, gene expression matrix, TopOMetry diffusion potential of the msDM eigenbasis and cell types predicted with CellTypist. (B) UMAP projections of the same data using the top 300 PCs. Note how clusters obtained with 50 PCs do not correspond to the structure uncovered using 300 PCs. (C) UMAP projections of the same data using the gene expression matrix of highly-variable genes. (D) topoMAP (MAP of the diffusion potential of the msDM eigenbasis) projection of the same data. Arrows in (C) and (D) highlight agreeing clustering results when using the gene expression matrix and TopOMetry, which can be detected on the periphery of the UMAP embedding of T cells. (E) Heatmap of adjusted mutual information (AMI) score between clustering results obtained with either approach, including additional TopOMetry eigenbases. The AMI score indicates the agreement between two clustering results when no ground-truth is known. Note how the results obtained with the high-dimensional expression data agree more with those obtained with TopOMetry than with those obtained with PCA. (F) topoMAP embedding of the same data, colored by cell subtypes predicted with CellTypist. Note how the majority of novel cell types uncovered correspond to CD4+ T and NK cells. (G) UMAP projection using the top 50 PCs, colored by gene expression of the canonical markers CD3E, CD4, CD8A, and FOXP3, and of marker genes for T cell subpopulations found with TopOMetry: MDN1, C11orf68, IL11RA, and IL21R. (H) UMAP projection using the expression data, colored as in (G), and with red circles highlighting the densely localized expression of marker genes of novel T cell subpopulations. (I) topoMAP projection of the same data, likewise colored, with red circles highlighting the densely localized expression of marker genes of novel T cell subpopulations.