a.) Detailed visualization of minute-to-minute statistics of animal 25 (in the sessions after the introduction of the novel object). From top to bottom, the plots show % time within (Akiti et al., 2022)’s 7cm threshold of the object with (cautious) and without (confident) tail behind, the length of a bout at the object and the number of bouts per minute. Orange lines are the box-car functions fitted to segment phases and illustrate the change in time, duration, and frequency statistics across phases. The transition points t1 and t2 as well as the initial cautious , final cautious , peak confident and steady-state confident approach percentage times are shown. The right plots show examples of minute-to-minute and phase-averaged approach time, duration, and frequency for (b.) brave, (c.) intermediate, and (d.) timid animals. Note that animals are ordered by the group-timidity animal index (see main text Section 2.2.6). Green indicates cautious and blue indicates confident approach. Darker colors indicate higher values. Averaging statistics over phases ignores idiosyncracies of behavior to provide a high-level summary of learning dynamics.