Alternative splicing in the I-II linker affects short term plasticity due to decreased calcium influx and motor behavior.
(A-D) Paired pulse ratio (PPR, ratio of second EPSC amplitude divided by first EPSC amplitude) as measured in 0.5 mM external calcium (A-C) or in 1.8 mM external calcium (D) at different interpulse intervals (IPIs ranging from 10 ms to 100 ms) in control animals (cacsfGFP, A), in animals with removal of I-IIA (ΔI-IIAsfGFP, B), and in animals with removal of I-IIB (ΔI-IIBsfGFP) either in 0.5 mM calcium (C) or 1.8. mM calcium (D). The large variance in PPR upon excision of I-IIB (C) is rendered control-like if the first EPSC amplitude of the twin pulse is adjusted to 0.5 mM external calcium control level (D; comp. with A). This is also reflected in the coefficient of variation (COV) for PPRs (E, 0.5 mM calcium: cacsfGFP green, ΔI-IIA purple, ΔI-IIB orange; 1.8 mM calcium: ΔI-IIB orange/black pattern). (F-I) Synaptic depression as measured in 0.5 mM external calcium in response to stimulus trains of 1 minute duration at 1 Hz frequency for animals with GFP-tagged cac (cacsfGFP, F), following removal of I-IIA (ΔI-IIAsfGFP, G), and with removal of I-IIB (ΔI-IIBsfGFP, H). The top traces show representative TEVC recordings from the postsynaptic muscle cell, and the diagrams mean values (n=5 for F and G, N=6 for H, error bars are SD). (H) The light gray trace shows ΔI-IIB in 1.8 mM external calcium, while the black trace shows ΔI-IIB in 0.5 mM calcium. For all 3 genotypes, depression reaches steady state at ∼ 80 % of the original EPSC amplitude, but upon excision of I-IIB it is more variable (H). Depression time courses do not differ between genotypes but are more variable in ΔI-IIB, independent of external calcium concentration (H, I). (J-M) Synaptic depression in response to stimulus trains at 10 Hz frequency for animals with GFP-tagged cac (cacsfGFP, J), following removal of I-IIA (ΔI-IIAsfGFP, K), and with removal of I-IIB (ΔI-IIBsfGFP, L: black in 0.5 mM calcium, gray trace in 1.8 mM calcium). Again, depression is most variable between animals upon excision of I-IIB (L, M) but time courses do not differ between genotypes. However, time course variation decreases in 1.8 mM calcium in animals with excision of I-IIB (M). Motoneuron stimulation at 60 (N) or 120 Hz (O) frequency, both for durations of 200 ms in animals with GFP-tagged cac (cacsfGFP, top traces), following removal of I-IIA (ΔI-IIAsfGFP, middle traces), and with removal of I-IIB (ΔI-IIBsfGFP, bottom traces). To compare charge transfer across the NMJ during high frequency bursts the total EPSC area below baseline (prior to stimulation) was measured during each 200 ms burst and plotted for each genotype for 60 Hz stimulation in (P) and for 120 Hz stimulation in (Q). Decreased charge transfer in animals with excision of the I-IIB exon is rescued to control level if external calcium is increased to 1.8 mM so that the first EPSP matches control amplitude in 0.5 mM external calcium (P, Q, far right data points ΔI-IIB in 1.8 m calcium). (R) shows single evoked EPSC half amplitude width. (S-V) show different measurements during larval crawling for control animals with GFP-tagged cac (cacsfGFP), removal of I-IIA (ΔI-IIAsfGFP), removal of I-IIB (ΔI-IIBsfGFP), and in transheterozygous animals with removal of I-IIA on one and removal of I-IIB on the other chromosome (ΔI-IIAsfGFP/ΔI-IIBsfGFP). The measured parameters are mean speed during 10 minutes of crawling (S), mean speed without any stops (T), the relative time spent stopping (U) and the maximum speed reached (V). In all diagrams each dot demarks a measurement from a different animal and horizontal bars the medians. For statistics, non-parametric Kruskal Wallis ANOVA with planned Dunn’s posthoc comparison to control was conducted.