pRF properties of V1 in achromats and controls.
(A) Foveal projection zone (0°-2°) coverage. Coverage is the fraction of vertices within the foveal confluence that contain visual information (i.e., pRF R2>0.1). Achromats (red markers) are not significantly different from controls (black markers) in the rods only condition (square markers), and do not show complete filling in even in the non-selective condition with higher contrast (triangle markers). Triangle markers: group mean for the non-selective condition, square markers: group mean for the rods only condition. Black markers: controls group mean, red markers: achromat group means. Black/red vertical lines around the mean: 95% confidence interval, grey shaded lines: 2.5%-97.5% percentile interval (only in controls). For achromats, participants’ dots are colour-coded to match across conditions and measures (B) Group eccentricity plots on a flat surface for each condition (in standard fsaverage space), presenting the group median value of each vertex. For visualisation purposes, vertices that were absent in more than 30% of the group were left blank in each condition. Black lines denote delineations of V1,2,3; white lines mark the foveal projection zone (0°-2°) in V1. As shown in (A) we see no evidence of ‘filling in’ of the rod scotoma in achromats. (C) pRF sizes along the atlas V1 segments. Achromats show a consistent increase in pRF size compared to controls. (D) Eccentricity of modelled pRFs along the atlas V1 segments. Achromats show an increase in eccentricity compared to controls, however that shift is not consistent across the two stimuli types. Vertical lines in C&D represent 95% confidence intervals.