Neural activity in EPSst+ neurons encodes both choice and value.
(A) Viral injection location for specific infection of EPSst+neurons with GCaMP6f in a Sst-Flp mouse line and fiber implant location for photometry recording. (B) Fiber photometry recording of EPSst+ neurons for individual trials during a behavioral session. Trials are aligned to center port entry (CE) and red dots indicated side port entry (SE). Only trials to the ipsilateral side (relative to the photometry recording) are shown and are divided by rewarded (left) and unrewarded (right) trials. (C) Averaged (±SEM) photometry signals across all mice aligned to center port entry (CE, top) or side port entry (SE, bottom) grouped by ipsilateral (green) and contralateral (magenta) choice (all sessions are at 90/10 reward probability, n=6 mice, 49 sessions, 20,355 trials). (right) Points represent the mean z-scored fluorescence per animal for the 500ms period immediately following the behavioral event, bars represent mean across animals ±SEM (all sessions are at 90/10 reward probability, n=6 mice, 49 sessions, 20,355 trials). (D) Averaged photometry (±SEM) signals across all mice aligned to side port entry (SE) grouped by rewarded (blue) or unrewarded (red) outcomes and divided by ipsilateral choice (top) or contralateral choice (bottom). (right) Points represent the mean z-scored fluorescence per animal for the 500ms period immediately following the behavioral event, bars represent mean across animals ±SEM (all sessions are at 90/10 reward probability, n=6 mice, 49 sessions, 20,355 trials). (E) Averaged (±SEM) photometry signals across different reward probabilities aligned to center port entry (CE) and divided by ipsilateral (top) and contralateral (bottom) choice. (right) Points represent the mean z-scored fluorescence per animal for the 500ms period immediately following the behavioral event, bars represent mean across animals ±SEM (90/10: n=6 mice, 49 sessions, 20,355 trials, 80/20: n=6 mice, 54 sessions, 27,433 trials, 70/30: n=6 mice, 49 sessions, 27,174 trials). (F) Averaged (±SEM) photometry signals across different reward probabilities aligned to side port entry (SE) and divided by rewarded (top) and unrewarded (bottom) outcomes. (right) Points represent the mean z-scored fluorescence per animal for the 500ms period immediately following the behavioral event, bars represent mean across animals ±SEM (90/10: n=6 mice, 49 sessions, 20,355 trials, 80/20: n=6 mice, 54 sessions, 27,433 trials, 70/30: n=6 mice, 49 sessions, 27,174 trials).