Relationship between gene and dosage response properties
A. Predicted changes (using sigmoid or loess fits for monotonic and non-monotonic responses, respectively) in relative expression of all trans genes in response to changes of the GFI1B, MYB and NFE2 expression. Trans genes (rows) were hierarchically clustered based on their expression fold change linked to alterations of all TF’s dosage. Dendrogram of the resulting clustering shown in the left.
B. Heatmap highlighting the qualitative gene features of each transgene. X axis indicates the gene property and top subtitles indicate where the data was obtained from. Grey indicates missing data.
C. Heatmap indicating the z-scaled quantitative gene features of each transgene. X axis indicates the gene property and top subtitles indicate where the data was obtained from. Grey indicates missing data.
D. Difference in the average value of the sigmoid parameter indicated in right between the genes qualified into the no/yes category of the gene properties indicated in B.
E. Pearson correlation coefficient of the quantitative trans gene features (shown in C) with the sigmoid parameter value for each transgene in the response of the modulation of dosage of the TF indicated on the left. Size of the points are inversely related to significance of correlation, and colour indicates the direction of correlation.
F. Differences in the range of expression response for Housekeeping vs. non-Housekeeping transgenes with changes of dosage of MYB, GFI1B and NFE2.
G. Negative correlation between haploinsufficiency score (pHaplo) and the range of the response of transgenes to the modulation of MYB.