Metabolic concentration and flux maps from DGE-DMI in mouse GBM.
Example of a CT2A tumor (C1). A T2-weighted reference image (top-left) displaying the tumor region (dashed lines) and representative peri-tumor and tumor voxels (back dots), and respective spectral quantifications (right-side): bottom, raw spectrum (black) with overlaid estimation (purple); center, individual components for each metabolite peak (black - semi-heavy water, DHO (black); deuterated glucose, Glc (red); and glucose-derived glutamate-glutamine and lactate, Glx (green) and Lac (blue)); top, residual. B Time-course de novo concentration maps for each metabolite (mM) following Glc i.v. injection (red arrow). C Average concentration maps for each metabolite after Glc injection. D Time-course concentration plots for each metabolite (dots) and respective kinetic fitting (straight lines), displayed for the peri-tumor and tumor voxels shown in A (same color codes) and applied to all the voxels to generate glucose flux maps: maximum consumption rate (Vmax); and respective individual rates for lactate synthesis (Vlac) and elimination (klac), and glutamate-glutamine synthesis (Vglx) and elimination (kglx).