Figures and data

Dendritic convergence of inputs from neural ensembles as groups and sequences.
A. Schematic of ensemble activity for grouped (left) and sequential (right) activity patterns. In this illustration there are 5 distinct ensembles represented using different colors, each with 6 neurons. In grouped activity all the ensembles are active in the same time window, whereas in sequential activity the ensembles are active successively.
B. Schematic of projection patterns of grouped (left) and sequential (right) connectivity patterns. There is no spatial organization of the grouped inputs, other than their convergence to a small target zone on the dendrite. Sequential inputs also converge to a small target zone, but connect to it in a manner such that the temporal ordering gets mapped spatially.
C. Schematic of pre and postsynaptic populations. The postsynaptic population receives connections from the presynaptic population through random connectivity. Colored dots in the presynaptic population represent ensembles, whereas gray dots represent neurons that are not part of ensembles, but may participate in background activity. Unfilled/filled dots in the presynaptic population represent neurons that are inactive/active respectively, within the temporal window of interest. The red dots in the postsynaptic population represent neurons that receive grouped/sequential connections from ensembles on their dendrites in addition to regular ensemble and background inputs, while gray dots represent those that do not receive such organized connections. Filled red dots represent neurons that receive all synaptic inputs constituting a group/sequence. Unfilled red dots are anatomically connected to a group/sequence, but some of their presynaptic neurons may be inactive in the considered time window. Filled gray dots are neurons that receive groups/sequences from background inputs either purely or in combination with some ensemble inputs, whereas unfilled gray dots represent neurons that do not receive grouped/sequential inputs. The population activity shown using filled neurons represents neurons that are active within the duration of a single occurrence of grouped/sequential activity.

Example network configurations and parameters.

Grouped convergence of noisy and stimulus-driven synaptic inputs is likely in all network configurations.
A. A simple, biologically-inspired model of Ca-Calmodulin reaction pathway.
B. The Ca-Calmodulin model shows selectivity for grouped inputs. Inputs arriving in a grouped manner (2μm spacing) lead to a higher concentration of Ca4_CaM as opposed to dispersed inputs (10μm spacing).
C. Different kinds of stimulus-driven groups. ‘Stimulus-driven groups’ receive M or more connections from neurons belonging to any of the ensembles. They could be of 3 kinds: 1) ‘fully-mixed groups’ that receive at least one connection from each ensemble; 2) ‘partially-mixed groups’ that contain multiple inputs from the same ensemble while missing inputs from others; ‘homogeneous groups’ that receive inputs from a single ensemble. D. Active and inactive groups, and noise groups. In an active group, all inputs constituting a group are received, whereas an inactive group may be missing one or more inputs in the duration of occurrence of a group, in spite of being connected with the ensembles. ‘Noise groups’ are formed of M or more background inputs; a group composed of M or more inputs of any kind, either from the ensembles or from noise or a combination of both is referred to as ‘any group’.
E. Neurons classified as per the types of groups they receive. Note that the schematic is a qualitative representation. The sizes of the circles do not correspond to the cardinality of the sets.
F. Probability of occurrence of connectivity based fully-mixed group due to local convergence of ensemble inputs. Group size is the number of different ensembles. It also corresponds to the number of different ensembles that send axons to a group of zone length ‘Z’. The ‘CICR’ configuration overlaps with the ‘chem’ configuration of the corresponding network in F, G, J and K as they share the same zone length.
G. Probability of occurrence of connectivity based stimulus-driven group, which receives connections from any of the ensembles. Group size in G refers to the number of connections arriving from any of the ensemble neurons within zone length ‘Z’.
H. Probability of occurrence of noise group due to local noisy activation of synapses. Here the group size refers to the number of synapses activated within the zone of length ‘Z’.
I. Probability of occurrence of a group due to the convergence of either stimulus-driven inputs or noisy inputs or a combination of both. Hippo-chem overlaps with cortex-CICR as they have same value for R*D.
J, K. Probability of occurrence of active fully-mixed and active stimulus-driven groups respectively, wherein all inputs constituting a group are active. Shaded regions in F, G, H, I, J, K represent lower and upper bounds on the analytical equations for probability based on non-overlapping and overlapping cases, i.e.,
L. Frequency distribution of groups based on the number of unique ensembles they receive connections from, for stimulus-driven groups that receive four or more ensemble inputs. Here, the total number of active ensembles in the presynaptic population is four.
M. Ratio of the probability of occurrence of an active stimulus-driven group to the probability of occurrence of any group on a neuron. This gives an indirect measure of signal to noise in the population. The mismatch seen between the analytical and simulated traces in the case of cortex-CICR is due to low sampling at higher group-sizes.

Strong nonlinearities help distinguish neurons receiving stimulus-driven groups from other neurons.
A. Dendritic activation, measured as the nonlinear integration of inputs arriving within the dendritic zone Z using the formulation mentioned in the inset.
B,C. Representative total neuronal activation across 95 trials of 3 neurons that receive grouped connections from stimulus-driven neurons (CSD) (cyan) and 3 neurons that do not receive grouped connections from stimulus-driven neurons (CSDC) (violet) under conditions of weak nonlinearity (B) vs strong nonlinearity (C). Gray dots mark the occurrence of an active group of any kind.
D, E. Trial averaged neuronal activation of CSD vs CSDC neurons, and neurons receiving connectivity-based fully-mixed groups vs neurons not receiving connectivity-based fully-mixed groups, respectively, in the presence of weak nonlinearity. F, G. Similar to D, E, but in the presence of strong nonlinearity. The dashed black line in D, E, F, G represents an example threshold that would help discriminate CSD neurons from CSDC neurons based on trial averaged activation values. Strong nonlinearity helps discriminate CSD neurons from CSDC neurons. However CFM neurons cannot be distinguished from CFMC neurons even in the presence of a strong nonlinearity.
H, I, J, K. Number of neurons showing activation values within the specified range in a certain number of trials. H, J represent CSD neurons under conditions of weak and strong nonlinearities respectively. I and K represent CSDC under conditions of weak and strong nonlinearities respectively. CSDC neurons show similar activation profiles in similar fractions of trials when compared to CSD neurons. This combined with the large population size of the CSDC neurons relative to CSD neurons, makes it almost impossible to discriminate between the two groups under conditions of weak nonlinearity. In the presence of strong nonlinearities, CSD neurons show higher activation profiles (0.13 a.u. - 1.33 a.u.) in a higher percentage of trials (>15%) (the region marked with the red dashed-line). Hence they can be discriminated from CSDC neurons in the presence of a strong nonlinearity.

Sequential convergence of perfectly-ordered stimulus sequences is likely in all network configurations in the presence of larger ensembles.
A. Different kinds of sequences. True sequences are formed of ensemble inputs alone, noise sequences are formed of background inputs while gap-fills consist of a combination of ensemble and background inputs.
B. Active and inactive sequences. An active sequence receives all constituting inputs, whereas an inactive sequence may be missing one or more inputs in the duration of occurrence of a sequence, in spite of receiving axonal connections from the ensembles.
C. Neurons classified as per the types of sequences they receive. Note that the schematic is a qualitative representation. The sizes of the circles do not correspond to the cardinality of the sets.
D. Probability of occurrence of connectivity-based perfectly-ordered stimulus sequence which receives connections from all active ensembles in an ordered manner. The ‘CICR’ configuration overlaps with the ‘chem’ configuration of the corresponding network as they share the same values for S and Δ.
E. Probability of occurrence of noise sequences due to local noisy activation of synapses in an ordered fashion.
F. Probability of occurrence of gap-fill sequences that receive one or more, but not all inputs from ensembles. Background activity arriving at the right location time compensates for the inputs missing to make a perfect sequence.
G. Probability of occurrence of activity-based perfectly-ordered stimulus sequence which receives inputs from all active ensembles in an ordered manner.
H. Probability of occurrence of a sequence due to the ordered convergence of either stimulus-driven inputs or noisy inputs or a combination of both.
I. Ratio of the probability of occurrence of active perfectly-ordered stimulus sequences to the probability of occurrence of any sequence.

Ectopic input to chemical reaction-diffusion sequence selective system.
A. Schematic of chemical system. Calcium activates molecule A, which activates itself, and has negative inhibitory feedback involving molecule B.
B. Snapshot of concentration of molecule A in a one-dimensional diffusion system, following sequential (blue) and scrambled (orange) stimuli (methods).
C. Nonlinear response to sequential patterns. Total amount of molecule A integrated over space and time in the dendritic segment shows a strong response for sequential patterns. Black dashed line indicates the curve-fit using a 6th order polynomial.
D. Geometry for analysis of influence of ectopic stimulation. Colored arrows represent the regular input for sequential/scrambled patterns. Gray arrows represent positions where the effect of ectopic inputs was tested.
E. Selectivity as a function of location of ectopic input. Ectopic input was given at three times: the start of the regular stimulus, the middle of the stimulus, and at the stimulus end. Cyan shaded region marks the zone of regular inputs. Ectopic stimuli were given at one μm spacing intervals to capture any steep changes in selectivity. The reference line indicates the baseline selectivity in the absence of any ectopic input.
F. Selectivity as a function of sequence length and number of ectopic inputs. Dots represent mean selectivity over different spatio-temporal combinations of the ectopic input/s and error bars represent standard deviation. Significance testing was done using Wilcoxon one sample left-tailed test by comparing the 1-ectopic and 2-ectopic cases with the reference selectivity for each sequence length (p-values have been included in Table 4 of the supplementary).

Effect of ectopic input on electrical sequence selectivity.
A: Neuronal morphology used for examining the effect of ectopic input in an electrical model. The selected dendrite for examining selectivity has been indicated in magenta.
B. Soma response to three different input patterns containing 5 inputs: perfectly-ordered inward sequence, outward sequence and scrambled pattern.
C. Dependence of selectivity on stimulus speed, that is, how fast successive inputs were delivered for a sequence of 5 inputs.
D. Effect of ectopic input at different stimulus locations along the dendrite, for sequence of length 5. Shaded cyan region indicates the location of the regular synaptic input. Stimuli were given at time t_start: the start of the regular stimulus sequence; t_mid: the middle of the sequence, and t_end: the end of the sequence.
E: Effect of single ectopic input as a function of sequence length. Selectivity drops when there is a single ectopic input for sequences with >=5 inputs. Dots represent mean selectivity over different spatio-temporal combinations of the ectopic input and error bars represent standard deviation. Significance testing was done using Wilcoxon one sample left-tailed test by comparing the 1-ectopic case with the reference selectivity for each sequence length (p-values have been included in Table 5 of the supplementary).

Neurons receiving perfectly-ordered stimulus sequences show weak selectivity.
A, B, C. Representative total neuronal activation across 48 trials of 3 neurons that receive perfect sequential connections from stimulus-driven neurons (PSCSD) (red) and 3 neurons that do not receive such connections from stimulus-driven neurons (PSCSDC) (gray) for three stimulus patterns: Perfect ordered activation of ensembles (A), scrambled activation (B) and activation of ensembles in the reverse order (C). Gray dots mark the occurrence of any sequence.
D, E. Representative activation values across trials for pattern #1 for the first neuron in each group: the PSCSD group shown in red (D) and the PSCSDC group shown in gray (E). Neurons are riding on high baseline activation, with small fluctuations when a complete active sequence occurs.
F, G, H. Trial averaged neuronal activation of PSCSD vs PSCSDC neurons, for the three stimulus patterns indicated in A, B, C respectively.
I. Trial averaged neuronal activation of neurons classified as PSCSD vs PSCSDC in the presence of background activity alone, i.e., when the ensembles are not stimulated.
J. Trial averaged neuronal activation of 19 PSCSD neurons (depicted in different colors) in response to 24 different stimulus patterns. Pattern #1 corresponds to the ordered sequence, while pattern #24 is the reverse sequence.
K. Sequence selectivity of PSCSD and PSCSDC neurons, without (one-sided Mann-Whitney U Test, p=2.18*10-14) and with background activity subtraction (one-sided Mann-Whitney U Test, p=2.18*10-14).

Multiple forms of nonlinear dendritic selectivity in a single neuron.
A. Model of Y-branched neuron with dendritic spines. The inset shows the morphology of the full neuron with the zoomed-in section highlighted in red.
B, D, F. Nonlinearity in electrical (Vm), Ca4-CaM and MAPK-p responses as a function of synaptic spacing.
C, E, G. Nonlinearity in electrical (Vm), Ca4-CaM and MAPK-p responses as a function of synaptic weight, expressed as AMPAR and NMDAR maximal conductances.

Parameters used in the analytical derivations.

Molecular species used in the Ca2+-CaM model

Reaction parameters of the Ca2+-CaM model

Kappa values for different kinds of groups

p-values for Figure 5F

p-values for Figure 6E

Parameters of the multiscale model

Channel distributions used in the multiscale model

Factors affecting the likelihood of grouped convergence for different kinds of groups. Group of length 5 for the cortex-CICR configuration is chosen as the base model and each parameter is varied while keeping the others fixed.
A. Probability of groups increases with increase in connection probability between the layers in the feedforward network. Groups containing inputs from background activity are far more likely than stimulus-driven or fully-mixed groups in this case.
B. Probability of groups vs ensemble participation probability.
C. Effect of input zone length on the probability of groups. Longer zone lengths imply higher probability of group.
D. Probability of grouped convergence increases with increase in ensemble size.
E. Probability of noise group at different rates of background activity and grouped input time scales. Noise groups are more likely in networks with higher background activity and/or with mechanisms operating at slower time-scales.
F. Probability of any group at different rates of background activity and grouped input time scales. Likelihood of occurrence of any group also increases with increase in the rate of background activity and/or with mechanisms operating at slower time-scales.

Probability of occurrence of small groups that receive inputs from 2 ensembles.
A. Probability of connectivity-based fully-mixed groups as a function of connection probability and ensemble size for groups receiving inputs from just two ensembles over chemical and CICR length scales.
B. Same as A, for the case of electrical length scale.

Factors affecting the likelihood of sequential convergence for different kinds of sequences. Sequence of length 5 for the cortex-CICR configuration is chosen as the base model and each parameter is varied while keeping the others fixed.
A. Probability of sequential convergence increases with increase in connection probability between the layers in the feedforward network for the different kinds of sequences.
B. Probability of sequences vs ensemble participation probability.
C. Effect of input zone width, Δ, on the probability of sequential convergence. Longer zone widths imply higher probability of sequence.
D. Probability of sequential convergence increases with increase in ensemble size.
E. Probability of noise sequences at different levels of background activity and sequential input time scales. Noise sequences are more likely in networks with higher background activity and/or with mechanisms operating at slower time-scales.
F. Expectation number of gap-fill sequences plotted against the expectation number of false positives (gap-fill sequences + noise sequences) for different ensemble sizes. Dot diameter scales with ensemble size. With increase in ensemble size, gap-fills constitute the major fraction of false positives.

Probability of occurrence of small sequences that receive inputs from 2 ensembles.
A. Probability of connectivity-based perfectly-ordered stimulus sequences as a function of connection probability and ensemble size for sequences receiving inputs from just two ensembles over chemical and CICR length scales.
B. Same as A, for the case of electrical length scale.

Strong disruption of selectivity at the distal end is caused by decrease in variance among the responses to different patterns.
A. Same as Figure 6D. Effect of a single ectopic input on sequence selectivity at different locations along the dendrite.
B,C - The distribution of responses of different input patterns in the absence (reference) and presence of ectopic input arriving at different time points (t_start, t_mid, t_end). The inverted triangle symbol marks the response to the inward sequence. B is a violin plot representation, whereas C depicts the same information as a swarm plot.

NMDAR activation occurs even for sequences of 5 inputs.
A, B, C, D. Inward (A) and outward (B) somatic EPSP responses to a sequence of 5 inputs, in the presence of both NMDAR and AMPAR conductances. Inward (C) and outward (D) somatic EPSP responses to a sequence of 5 inputs, in the presence of only AMPAR conductance.
Different colored traces represent stimuli arriving at different time intervals.
E, F, G, H. Similar to A, B, C, D for a sequence of 9 inputs.
I, J, K, L. Similar to A, B, C, D for a sequence of 9 inputs, simulated directly using the code provided by (Branco, Clark, and Häusser 2010) at
M, N, O - The difference between the inward and outward EPSP peaks in the presence and absence of NMDAR for a 5-length sequence (M), 9-length sequence (N) and 9-length sequence simulated directly from the (Branco, Clark, and Häusser 2010) code (O).
P, Q, R, S. Inward (P) and outward (Q) dendritic EPSP responses to a sequence of 5 inputs, in the presence of both NMDAR and AMPAR conductances. Inward (R) and outward (S) dendritic
EPSP responses to a sequence of 5 inputs, in the presence of only AMPAR conductance. Different colored traces dendritic EPSPs recorded at different distances from the soma.

Neurons receiving perfect stimulus driven sequences show poor selectivity in the presence of high background activity, such as the cortex-CICR configuration.
A, B, C. Representative total neuronal activation across 48 trials of 3 neurons that receive perfect sequential connections from stimulus-driven neurons (PSCSD) (red) and 3 neurons that do not receive such connections from stimulus-driven neurons (PSCSDC) (gray) for three stimulus patterns: Perfect ordered activation of ensembles (A), scrambled activation (B) and activation of ensembles in the reverse order (C). Gray dots mark the occurrence of any sequence.
D, E. Representative activation values across trials for pattern #1 for the first neuron in each group: the PSCSD group shown in red (D) and the PSCSDC group shown in gray (E). Neurons are riding on high baseline activation, with small fluctuations when a complete active sequence occurs.
F, G, H. Trial averaged neuronal activation of PSCSD vs PSCSDC neurons, for the three stimulus patterns indicated in A, B, C respectively.
I. Trial averaged neuronal activation of neurons classified as PSCSD vs PSCSDC in the presence of background activity alone, i.e., when the ensembles are not stimulated.
J. Trial averaged neuronal activation of 20 PSCSD neurons (depicted in different colors) in response to 24 different stimulus patterns. Pattern #1 corresponds to the ordered sequence, while pattern #24 is the reverse sequence.
K. Sequence selectivity of PSCSD and PSCSDC neurons, without and with background activity subtraction.

Response of multiscale model to inputs at electrical timescales
A, B. Dendritic Ca2+ concentration in response to sequential and scrambled stimuli respectively, with individual inputs separated by 10 ms
C, D. Ca4-CaM response monitored for the above mentioned sequential and scrambled stimuli respectively
E, F. MAPK-P response monitored for the above mentioned sequential and scrambled stimuli respectively

Response of multiscale model to grouped and dispersed inputs arriving over the timescales of calcium and CaM dynamics. Inputs were delivered at 10 Hz for 1 second. A, B. Dendritic Ca2+ concentration in response to grouped and dispersed stimuli respectively.
C, D. Ca4-CaM response monitored for the above mentioned grouped and dispersed stimuli respectively
E, F. MAPK-P response monitored for the above mentioned grouped and dispersed stimuli respectively

Response of multiscale model to inputs arriving at chemical timescales A, B. Dendritic Ca2+ concentration in response to sequential and scrambled stimuli respectively, with individual inputs as bursts at 20 Hz for 2 seconds, separated by 3 seconds.
C, D. Ca4-CaM response monitored for the above mentioned sequential and scrambled stimuli respectively
E, F. MAPK-P response monitored for the above mentioned sequential and scrambled stimuli respectively