Long-tailed early-diverging non-pterodactyloid pterosaurs had diverse tail vanes but these disappeared in later-diverging short-tailed pterodactyloids. Blue, ontogenetic morphs of Rhamphorhynchus muensteri: NMS G.1994.13.1 and BSP 1938 I 503a. Green, Sordes pilosus PIN 2585/3. Orange, Pterorhynchus wellnhoferi CAGS02-IG-guasa-2/DM608. Scale bars are 3 cm.

Tail vane of Rhamphorhynchus muensteri. A1. LSF image of NHMUK PV OR 37787. A2. Line drawing of LSF image of NHMUK PV OR 37787. B1. LSF image of NHMUK PV OR 37003. B2. Line drawing of LSF image of NHMUK PV OR 37003. C1. LSF image of NMS G.1994.13.1. C2. Line drawing of LSF image of NMS G.1994.13.1. D. Interpretative line drawing of Rhamphorhynchus muensteri tail vane unloaded and slack as well as in tension. Combines LSF results of NHMUK PV OR 37003 and 37787 as well as NMS G.1994.13.1 (A1-C2). E. Life reconstruction of Rhamphorhynchus muensteri using its tail vane during flight. All scale bars are 1 cm.