Re-insertion of MC4R in Kiss1 neurons restores estrous cyclicity and LH pulsatility in Kiss1-cre:MC4R-LoxTB females.
(A) Kiss1-cre:MC4R-LoxTB (n=11) and MC4R-loxTB (MC4RKO) (n=7) displayed normal puberty onset as compared to their control littermates (n=14), as documented by cumulative percent and mean age of animals at vaginal opening and first estrus. (B) Kiss1-cre:MC4R-LoxTB and MC4R-loxTB both had significantly higher body weights at the time of puberty onset compared to their controls. **P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001 by one way ANOVA. (C) MC4R-loxTB (n=7) and Kiss1-cre:MC4R-LoxTB (n=11) females displayed significantly higher body weight than their littermates (n=10) from post-natal day 30 onwards, *p<0.05 and **P < 0.01. Data presented as the mean± (SEM). (D) Representative examples of estrous cycles of MC4R-loxTB (n=4), Kiss1-cre:MC4R-LoxTB (n=5) and control littermate mice, (n=4) assessed by daily monitoring of vaginal smears for 15 days. (D/M: diestrus/metestrus, P: proestrus, E: estrus). (E) MC4R-loxTB females displayed irregular estrous cycles, presenting longer time in diestrus and shorter time in estrus compared to control females, while Kiss1-cre:MC4R-LoxTB females displayed regular estrous cyclicity, similar to controls. *p<0.05, **P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001, Two-way ANOVA. Data presented as the mean± SEM. (F) Pattern of LH pulsatility analyzed in gonad intact MC4R-loxTB (n=4), Kiss1-cre:MC4R-LoxTB (n=5) and control littermates females (n=5). LH samples were collected every 10 min for 180 minutes; # represents LH pulses. (G) LH total secretory mass, (H) LH pulse amplitude, (I) basal LH, and (J) total number of pulses/180 min were assessed. *p<0.05, **P < 0.01 by one way ANOVA. (K) Representative samples of ovarian histology from MC4R-loxTB, Kiss1-cre:MC4R-LoxTB and control females (n=5/group); CL: Corpora lutea. Data are presented as the mean± SEM. (L) Ovarian histology showed a significant decrease in the number of corpora lutea in the MC4RKO and Kiss1-cre:MC4R-LoxTB compared to controls. Groups with different letters are significantly different. Serum levels of (M) Testosterone and (N) AMH in adult gonad intact females MC4R-loxTB, Kiss1-cre:MC4R-LoxTB and their control littermates. *p<0.05, ****P < 0.0001, One Way ANOVA. Data are presented as the mean± SEM.