Increased FGF5 expression coincides with region-specific expansion of GNPs in the P0 Sufu-cKO cerebellum.
(A) Pax6 (red) and DAPI (blue) immunofluorescence staining of the P0 Sufu-cKO and control cerebelli. Arrow points to severely expanded EGL region B in the P0 Sufu-cKO cerebellum. EGL regions are designated in DAPI-labeled sections as A (light blue), B (magenta), and C (yellow). Each region encompasses specific fissures: the preculminate (pc) and primary (pr) fissures for Region A, the secondary (sec) fissure for Region B, and the posterolateral (pl) fissure for Region Scale bars: Scale bars = 250 mm. (B-D) Quantification and comparison of the cerebellar perimeter (B), total area occupied by densely packed Pax6+ cells (C), and size of specific EGL regions (D) between P0 Sufu-cKO and control cerebelli. (E) Fluorescent in situ hybridization using RNAScope probes against Fgf5 mRNA (red) shows the expansion of Fgf5 expression in the P0 Sufu-cKO cerebellum compared to controls. Sections are counterstained with DAPI to distinguish structures. Boxed areas are magnified in F. Scale bars = 500 mm. (F) Fgf5 is ectopically expressed in cells within the EGL of the P0 Sufu-cKO cerebellum. Boxed areas within the EGL show DAPI-labeled cells expressing visibly high levels of Fgf5, identified as punctate labeling (arrowheads), in the EGL of P0 Sufu-cKO cerebellum compared to controls. Scale bars = 50 mm. **p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, ****p<0.0001.