Comparison of S. cerevisiae APC/CCDH1:Hsl1 with human APC/CCDH1:Emi1. a, S. cerevisiae and b, human complexes subunits colour-coded. c, S. cerevisiae and d, human complexes with large subunits coloured in grey and small IDP subunits (APC9, APC12, APC13, APC15, APC16) colour-coded. The structure of human APC/CCDH1:Emi1 from (Höfler, Yu et al. 2024) (PDB 7QE7). e, and f, Four small IDP-subunits (APC9, APC13, APC15, APC16) contribute to interacting with equivalent, quasi-symmetrical sites on the outer surfaces of the TPR subunits of the TPR lobe. TPR lobes of S. cerevisiae (e) and human APC/C (f) are depicted as a surface representations. The contact sites with the three small subunits that contact the S. cerevisiae TPR lobe are numbered 3 to 8 after human APC/C (Chang, Zhang et al. 2015) that has sites 8 sites sue to APC7.