Figures and data

Phylogeny of carnivoran sample.
The sample consists of species from both carnivoran sub-orders, Caniformia and Feliformia and includes members of seven different families (see also Table 1 in Materials and Methods for a detailed sample description). The sub-order Caniformia includes Canidae and five Arctoidea families. All animals are terrestrial, except for the semi-aquatic the Asian-small clawed otter. Phylogenetic relationships were derived from (Field et al., 2022; Freedman et al., 2014; Kumar et al., 2017). k/mya, thousand/million years ago.

Overview Carnivoran brain collection

Right lateral view showing variation of sulcal patterns across Carnivorans.
Surfaces are presented in descending order of sulcal complexity, starting with the canid brains, that exhibited the highest number of unique major sulci, followed by felid brains that lacked an ectomarginal sulcus and exhibited a split ectosylvian sulcus, progressing to those species with the least complex sulcal topoloy. Despite exhibiting the least complex of sulcal topology, the meerkat had a caudal ectosylvian sulcus. All Arctoidea species in the fourth row, and the brown bear (third row, right) and Eurasian badger (bottom left) had complex or extended cruciate, postcruciate and ansate sulci. They also exhibited an inverted u-shaped suprasylvian sulcus compared to the arc shape observed in Canids and Felids (top three rows). We indicate the location of the cruciate sulcus with a blue dot if it is not well visible on the lateral surface due to its shape; see Figure 3 for a dorsal view. Anatomical locations are indicated at the dog surface in the top row, left corner. C, caudal; D, dorsal. Animal acronyms: ALI, Asiatic lion; ALE, Amur leopard; ASCO, Asian small-clawed otter; AWD, African wild dog; BB, brown bear; BD, bush dog; DC, domestic cat; DD, domestic dog; DIN, dingo; EB, Eurasian badger; EL, Eurasian lynx; FF, fennec fox; GW, grey wolf; ME, meerkat; RAC, raccoon; RF, red fox; RP, red panda; SAC, South American coati.

Dorsal view reveals varying complexity of sulci in parietal and frontal cortices across Carnivoran families.
Surfaces are presented in descending order of sulcal complexity, starting with brains exhibiting the most complex sulcal topology and progressing to those with the least, as in Figure 2. Only the wolf-like Canids (top row) and the bush dog (second row, left) had a proreal sulcus (orange). The brown bear had a secondary cruciate sulcus (light blue). Anatomical locations are indicated at the dog surface in the top row, left corner. Lat, lateral; C, caudal; RH, right hemisphere. Animal acronyms: ALI, Asiatic lion; ALE, Amur leopard; ASCO, Asian small-clawed otter; AWD, African wild dog; BB, brown bear; BD, bush dog; DC, domestic cat; DD, domestic dog; DIN, dingo; EB, Eurasian badger; EL, Eurasian lynx; FF, fennec fox; GW, grey wolf; ME, meerkat; RAC, raccoon; RF, red fox; RP, red panda; SAC, South American coati.

Sulcal anatomy variations and corresponding gyral differences.
As illustrated on the lateral view of the domestic dog brain (upper left corner), only Canidae have an ectomarginal gyrus. Additionally, Canidae and Felidae (Asiatic lion, upper right corner) species have an (incomplete) sylvian gyrus (yellow). Species exhibiting a more complex postcruciate sulcus, have an expanded postcruciate gyrus as illustrated on the South American coati brain (lower left corner). Nomenclature follows prior descriptions in Canidae and Felidae (Czeibert et al., 2019; Rogers Flattery et al., 2023; Stolzberg et al., 2017), and descriptions of the ferret brain for species lacking an ectosylvian sulcus (Radtke-Schuller, 2018). The rostral suprasylvian gyrus is also called the coronal gyrus in ferrets, and in the field of paleoneurology, post- and precruciate gyri are often referred to as the posterior and anterior sigmoid gyrus (see e.g., Lyras et al., 2023). White space indicates allocortex. C, caudal; D, dorsal.

Lineage-specific observations and potential functional correlates.
(A) The Arctoidea species with complex sulcal configurations in the somatosensory cortex also exhibit more pronounced forepaw dexterity (see e.g., Iwaniuk et al., 1999; Iwaniuk and Whishaw, 1999; Radinsky, 1968). In the red panda, coati, and raccoon, this potentially expanded cortical territory surrounding the postcruciate sulcus or complex appears to accommodate the primary somatosensory cortex, with a significant representation of the forepaw (see Figure 6). (B) Canids had the most complex occipito-temporal sulcal anatomy, followed by felids and the meerkat with a unique sulcal configuration. This might indicate the expansion of auditory and visual regions in canids and of auditory regions in felids (see Figure 6). Arctoidea species exhibited the least complex occipitotemporal sulcal topology. (C) The canids with strong social bonds and that engage in cooperative hunting (Wilson and Mittermeier, 2009; Wilson, 2000) had an additional sulcus in the frontal lobe, the proreal sulcus.

Schematic overview of cortical sulcal anatomy and available information about cortical sensory areas.
While knowledge of the sensory regions in carnivoran brains is still limited, the best-understood brain of the species in our sample was the domestic cat (second row, right), followed by the domestic dog (top row, left), African wild dog (top row, second from right), and the raccoon, coati, and red panda (fourth row). Based on prior electrophysiological, histological and neuroimaging research (e.g., Boch et al., 2021; Chengetanai et al., 2020a, 2020b; Douglas Jameson et al., 1968; Guran et al., 2024; Hardin et al., 1968; Kosmal, 2000; Stolzberg et al., 2017; Tunturi, 1944; Welker and Campos, 1963), we indicate approximate locations of unimodal sensory cortices on a lateral view of the brains of these species. Darker shades indicate primary sensory cortices, including the primary visual (V1, yellow), auditory (A1, pink), motor (M1) and somatosensory (S1) cortex. Lighter shades mark higher-order unimodal sensory regions. White spaces indicate that these regions have not been investigated yet, or research to date has revealed inconclusive results. It is, for example, possible that the African wild dog has additional auditory regions located ventral to those identified (Chengetanai et al., 2020a). C, caudal; D, dorsal. Animal acronyms: ALI, Asiatic lion; ALE, Amur leopard; ASCO, Asian small-clawed otter; AWD, African wild dog; BB, brown bear; BD, bush dog; DC, domestic cat; DD, domestic dog; DIN, dingo; EB, Eurasian badger; EL, Eurasian lynx; FF, fennec fox; GW, grey wolf; ME, meerkat; RAC, raccoon; RF, red fox; RP, red panda; SAC, South American coati.