tDCS modulation of non-PC activity in crus I/II of awake mice.
a, b Recording of spontaneous firing activity of two non-PCs. c, e Z-score-transformed average PSTH (bin size: 0.1 s) of firing rate for the 2 neurons in a,b, before, during and after anodal (red trace) or cathodal (blue trace) tDCS. d, f Statistical comparison of the firing rate of the 2 neurons in a,b, measured in 5 s windows before, during and after tDCS (RM-ANOVA or Friedman tests, p < 0.05). Error bars represent SEM. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001. g Modulation of firing rate of individual neurons (circles) during anodal (red) and cathodal (blue) tDCS. Filled circles represent statistically significant modulation during tDCS (n = 50, RM-ANOVA or Friedman tests, p < 0.05). h Schematic representation of the recording sites and active electrode (gray bar) location during tDCS.