PMNs harbours substantial amount of Mtb and provide an immune-privileged niche to Mtb.
(A) FACS gating strategy used to sort PMNs, Macrophages and MSCs from the lungs of mice. (B) Mtb burden in individual sorted cells (PMNs, Macrophages and MSCs), plotted as CFU/104 sorted cells from the lungs of Mtb infected mice at 4-,8-& 12-weeks post-infection time point. 2-way ANOVA statistical test was applied to compare all the groups at different time points. Sample size (n)= 5 mice at each time point. (C) IFA images of the lungs of Mtb-infected mice showing the co-localization of PMNs (Ly6G+ cells shown in red colour) and Mtb antigen Ag85B (shown in green colour). (D) Study design for BCG vaccination experiment. C57BL/6 mice were vaccinated intradermally with 106 BCG bacilli, followed by aerosol infection with H37Rv (100-200 CFU) 8 weeks post BCG vaccination. At 4,8,12 weeks post-infection, mice were euthanized for various studies. (E) Determination of Mtb burden in individual sorted cells, plotted as CFU/104 sorted cells at 4,8,12 weeks post-infection, from the lungs of vaccinated and unvaccinated mice. Experimental groups were evaluated using a 2-way ANOVA statistical test. Sample size (n)= 5 mice/group in all treatment groups. (F) Venn diagram highlighting the number of common and unique differentially expressed genes (DEGs) from each pairwise comparison between BCG vaccinated + infected, only infected and uninfected controls (G) z-scaled expression of the DEGs corresponding to the significantly enriched Gene Ontology Biological processes obtained using gene set co-regulation analysis of the DEGs (H) highlights the enriched KEGG pathways based on gene set co-regulation analysis of the DEGs. Within the plotGesecaTable() function, z-scores are first calculated for each normalised gene expression across the dataset. For each GO BP/KEGG pathway, the expression of its corresponding genes are summed up per sample and scaled and defined within the range of −2 to 2.