Early-life exposure to elevated ethyl butyrate erodes Or42a OSN connectivity and function
(A) FlyWire full-brain connectome reconstruction (left) and simplified schematic (right) of the Or42a olfactory circuit. Thirty-three olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) expressing the ethyl butyrate (EB)- sensitive odorant receptor Or42a synapse with projection neurons (PNs) in a single glomerulus (VM7) of the antennal lobe (AL). VM7 also receives lateral input from local interneurons (LNs). (B) Overview of the Drosophila developmental timeline. OSNs synapse with PNs during the first 48 hours after puparium formation. (C) Schematic of the odorant exposure paradigm used in (D–J). White and black bars represent ethyl butyrate (EB) or mineral oil vehicle control, respectively. DPE, days post-eclosion. (D) Representative maximum intensity projections (MIPs) (bottom) and volume measurements (top) of the Or42a-mCD8::GFP OSN terminal arbor in VM7 in 2 DPE flies exposed to mineral oil or the indicated concentrations of EB throughout adulthood. (E) Representative MIPs (bottom) and number of VM7 presynapses (top) in 2 DPE flies exposed to mineral oil or the indicated concentrations of EB throughout adulthood. Presynapses were visualized with nc82 anti-bruchpilot (Brp) staining. Data are mean ± SD. (F–J) Patch-clamp recordings of VM7 PNs from 2 DPE flies exposed to 15% EB or mineral oil throughout adulthood. (F) Representative PN membrane potential traces, (G) spontaneous mean firing rate (Oil, 1.1±0.61 [mean±SD]; EB, 0.017±0.039), (H) interspike interval (ISI) events (Oil, 751.9±450.6; EB, 1757±1114), (I) spike onset latency (Oil, 0.79±0.21; EB, 0.83±0.038), and (J) afterhyperpolarization (AHP) decay time constant (Oil, 92.7±28.8; EB, 96.1±77.4). ns, not significant, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001, Kruskal-Wallis test with Dunn’s multiple comparisons test (D) or Mann-Whitney U-test (F–I). Genotypes are provided in Supplemental Table 1.