Retinal innervation of TCs in the albino dLGN. Dotted oval indicates the boundary of the RGC island in multiple panels. Four cells (TC1, TC2, TC3, TC9) are identified in panel B, G, H, and I. Tissue orientation is indicated by compass rose or rotation cube (Rostral/Medial/Ventral). A) Matching of optical images and EM section overview. Red rectangles indicate the boundaries of the EM volume used to trace TCs. White circles indicate blood vessels matched between optical images and EM images. B) Closer view of light and EM images showing nuclei of EM-reconstructed TCs. In the optical image (left), DAPI labeled nuclei (blue) of reconstructed TCsare outlined (cyan) relative to RGC boutons (green). The position of reconstructed TC that are not visible in the confocal image stack are indicated by circles. The nuclei labels are mapped onto the EM section (right). The nuclei of reconstructed TCs visible in the EM section are highlighted in red. C) Example of electron micrograph with 20 nm pixel size in which TC dendrite and associated glomerulus are annotated. D) EM reconstructed island (green) and non-island (magenta) RGC boutons that were found innervating reconstructed TCs. EM boutons are overlayed on corresponding optical image of CtB labeled RGC boutons. E) Rotation of EM labeled RGC boutons to show clearest separation between island (green) and non-island boutons (magenta). Boutons innervating the one TC without a clear island or non-island identity are highlighted in white. F) Partial reconstructions of TCs indicated in panel B. TCs are color coded by whether the receive their input from the island or non-island RGC boutons. Positions of RGC inputs are indicated by white dots. G) Cumulative curve of the number of RGC boutons innervating reconstructed TCs. Circles indicate island / non-island identity. Numbers above the circles are the number of RGC boutons innervating the TC. Number within the circle indicates TC IDs used in other panels. H) Plot of the relationship between TC cell body (blue circle) and the location of the RGC inputs that innervate it (grey dots). Average synapse position is indicated by black circle. I) Results of Monte Carlo simulation predicting how many TCs would be innervated only by island or only by non-island RGC boutons if TC dendrites are independent of one another. Red bracket encloses 99% of results. J) EM reconstructions of the four example TCs highlighted in previous panels. Blue dots indicate the relative position of the four example cells. RGC boutons innervating the highlighted TC are in red. Island and non-island RGC boutons innervating other TCs shown in green and magenta.