Impact of centriole depletion on apical lumen formation and Gp135 protein levels
(A) Time-lapse snapshots of p53-KO and centrinone (CN)-treated cells expressing EGFP-Gp135 (green) and PACT-mKO1 (magenta, centrosome marker) in Matrigel. Nuclei were labeled with SiR-DNA (blue) before live imaging. Z-projection images of dividing cells are shown. Time stamps show hours and minutes, with 0:00 set at the first frame of anaphase onset. Scale bar: 10 μm.
(B–C) Change in θN-C and LO-C over time. Each data point represents the average at a given time (>3 p53-KO cells in Matrigel culture from three independent experiments). The lines show the means, and the shaded regions indicate SD values.
(D) Change in the central value of the EGFP-Gp135 fluorescent profile over time. The value of each time point was normalized to the value at 0:00. Each data point represents the average fluorescent intensity at a given time (n = 3 [p53-KO; olive] and 3 [p53-KO + CN; gray]). The lines show the means, and the shaded regions indicate SD values (a.u., arbitrary units).
(E) Single MDCK WT and p53-KO cells, with or without CN treatment, after 72 h of Matrigel culture. Single confocal sections through the middle of cysts are shown with immunofluorescent signals of indicated markers: apical membrane Gp135 (green), centrosome marker γ-tubulin (magenta), and DAPI for nuclei (blue). “L” denotes the lumen. WT cells treated with CN remain at the single-cell stage. The insets display enlarged images of the region in the yellow box. Arrowheads indicate the presence of centrosomes. Scale bar: 10 μm. The bottom panels represent a larger view of the 3D culture. Scale bar: 50 μm.
(F) Quantification of the proportion of MDCK cysts with a single central lumen after being cultured for different durations (24, 48, 72 h). The lumen structure was identified by Gp135 staining. n = 92 (24 h), 231 (48 h), 78 (72 h) cysts (MDCK WT); n = 22 (24 h), 133 (48 h), 59 (72 h) cysts (WT + CN); n = 154 (24 h), 170 (48 h), 204 (72 h) cysts (p53-KO); n = 105 (24 h), 128 (48 h), 149 (72 h) cysts (p53-KO + CN) analyzed for each measurement in three independent experiments. Statistical analyses used two-way ANOVA and Tukey multiple comparisons (*p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, ****p<0.0001, ns: not significant). Values represent the mean ± SD.
(G) Boxplot of Gp135 intensity on the apical membrane normalized to the mean in WT cells. n = 25 (MDCK WT), 26 (p53-KO), 25 (p53-KO + CN) cysts were analyzed in three independent experiments. Statistical analyses were performed via one-way ANOVA and Dunn’s multiple comparisons (ns: not significant, ****p<0.0001). The midlines and boxes show the mean ± SD, with whiskers indicating minimum and maximum values (a.u., arbitrary units).