Effect of CIP on [Na+]i and pH regulation in B. gibsoni lines.
(A) Untreated and CIP-treated parasite morphology after incubation for 72 h. Scale bar: 5 µm. (B) Sizes of 100 parasites in two groups measured with ImageJ software in panels A. Statistically significant differences between the means of variables determined by t-test. ****, P ˂ 0.0001. (C) [Na+]i concentrations after addition of CIP in BgATP4WT line. Representative traces from the experiment that highlight the impact of adding 20 nM CIP (green), 1 nM CIP (blue), or 0 nM CIP (grey) on the concentration [Na+]i of the BgATP4WT line. (D) Alkalinization of pHi in BgATP4WT line upon addition of the ATP4 inhibitor. (E) Addition of 20 nM CIP to the wild-type and resistant parasite lines results in different [Na+]i concentrations. (F) Addition of 20 nM CIP to the wild-type and resistant parasite lines results in different pHi concentrations. Experiments were performed in technical duplicates for at least three biological repeats. ns, non significant, p ˃ 0.05; *, P ˂ 0.05; **, P ˂ 0.01.