Vif impairs stable and balanced kinetochore microtubule attachments
(A) Left: Representative immunofluorescence images labeled CENP-C, Astrin, and DNA in Control and Vif-expressing HeLa cells, Right: Illustrative interpretation of images on the left. (B) Normalized Astrin and CENP-C intensities at kinetochores for cells in (A) (n = 200 kinetochores from 8 cells from two independent replicates for each) (C) Relative signal intensities of Astrin and CENP-C between sister kinetochores, values normalized with formula: 1 – (lower intensity value/higher intensity value). (D) Representative immunofluorescence images labeled for CENP-C, pHec1(S55), and DNA in Control and Vif-expressing HeLa cells. (E) Normalized pHec1(S55) intensities at kinetochores for cells in (D). (n = 200 kinetochores from 8 cells from two independent replicates for each). (F) Relative pHec1(S55) intensities between sister kinetochores, values normalized with formula: 1 – (lower intensity value/higher intensity value). (G) Representative immunofluorescence images labeled for Hec1, CENP-C, and DNA in HeLa cells expressing Vif. (H) Normalized Hec1 intensities at kinetochores for cells in (G) (n=200 kinetochores over 8 cells from two independent replicates for each).