Neuronal climbing effect in deviation detection behavior.
(A) Peri-stimulus time histograms (PSTHs) depicting example neuronal responses to different deviant sounds aligned to deviant onset (light gray, 300-ms deviant sound; gray, 357-ms deviant sound; black, 425-ms deviant sound; pink, 506-ms deviant sound; red, 600-ms deviant sound). (B) The same neuronal responses as in A, but this time aligned to the offset of the deviant stimulus. The PSTHs represent the neural activity before the offset of each deviant sound. The color scheme remains consistent with A to indicate the different deviant durations. (C) Firing rate to deviant stimuli in two windows: the late window ([-100 0] ms relative to offset time) and the onset window ([0 60] ms relative to onset time) (red, late window; black, onset window). (D) PSTH showing neuronal responses to standard sounds (1-7) from the neuron described in A. (E) Normalized firing rate of the neuron described in A to standard sounds in two temporal windows (late window: [-100 0] ms relative to offset time; onset window: [0 60] ms relative to onset time) plotted as a function of the order of the sounds (red, late window; black, onset window). (F) Average normalized responses to standard sounds in the onset window and offset window (red, late window; black, onset window. n=99). The left axis represents the scale for responses in the late window, and the right axis represents the scale for responses in the onset window. (G) PSTHs depicting the responses of the neuronal population to the 300-ms sounds, ranging from the first to the seventh order in the block (black, first; gray, second; blue, third; light blue, fourth; cyan, fifth; pink, sixth; red, seventh). The left axis represents the response scale for sounds from the second to the seventh, and the right axis represents the response scale for the first sound.