Stmn4 and microtubule homeostasis show dependency on the expression levels of DLK.
(A) RNAscope analysis of Stmn4 and Vglut1 mRNAs in hippocampal neurons. Dashed circle outlines single nuclei. Shown as single-slice confocal image; scale bar 10μm. (B,C) Quantification of the ratio of Stmn4 to Vglut1 RNAscope puncta in same nuclei of CA1 and CA3 neurons, respectively. N >50 cells per genotype, from 6,3,3 mice of respective genotype and 4 sections per mouse. Statistics: One way ANOVA with Dunnett’s multiple comparison test, ns, not significant; ** P<0.01; **** P<0.0001. (D-F) Confocal images of immunostained CA1 sections for Tuj1, tyrosinated tubulin, and acetylated tubulin, respectively, in P15 control and Vglut1Cre/+;H11-DLKiOE/+mice. SR denotes stratum radiatum region used for quantification. (G) Normalized tyrosinated tubulin mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) after thresholding signals in SR in CA1. N=9, 6 mice, 3 sections averaged per mouse. (H) Normalized acetylated tubulin MFI after thresholding signal in SR in CA1. N=6, 4 mice, 3 sections averaged per mouse. (I-K) Confocal images of immunostained CA1 sections for Tuj1, tyrosinated tubulin, and acetylated tubulin, respectively, in P60 control and Vglut1Cre/+;H11-DLKiOE/+mice. (L) Normalized tyrosinated tubulin MFI after thresholding signal in SR in CA1. N=9, 9 mice, 3 sections averaged per mouse. (M) Normalized acetylated tubulin MFI after thresholding signal in SR in CA1. N=6, 6 mice, 3 sections averaged per mouse. (N-P) Confocal images of immunostained CA1 sections for Tuj1, tyrosinated tubulin, and acetylated tubulin, respectively, in P60 control and Vglut1Cre/+;DLK(cKO)fl/fl mice. (Q) Normalized tyrosinated tubulin MFI after thresholding signal in SRin CA1. N=5, 7 mice, 3 sections averaged per mouse. (M) Normalized acetylated tubulin MFI after thresholding signal in SR in CA1. N=6, 7 mice, 3 sections averaged per mouse. All tubulin images shown as maximum projection of z-stack, scale bar 10μm. Dashed lines outline pyramidal layer. Arrows point to apical dendrites with elevated signal; arrowheads point to thin neurites with elevated signal. Statistics: (G,H,L,M,Q,R) Unpaired t-test. ns, not significant; * P<0.05.