Figures and data
Estimation task: the scale of subjects’ imprecision increases sublinearly with the prior width.
a. Illustration of the estimation task: in each trial, a cloud of dots is presented on screen for 500ms. Subjects are then asked to provide their best estimate of the number of dots shown. b. Uniform prior distributions (from which the numbers of dots are sampled) in the three conditions of the task. c. Standard deviation of the responses of the subjects (solid lines) and of the best-fitting model (dotted lines), as a function of the number of presented dots, in the three conditions. For each prior, five bins of approximately equal sizes are defined; subjects’ responses to the numbers falling in each bin are pooled together (thick lines) or not (thin lines). d. Variance of subjects’ responses, as a function of the width of the prior (purple line) and of the squared width (grey line). Both lines show the same data; only the x-axis scale has been changed. e. Subjects’ coefficients of variations, defined as the ratio of the standard deviation of estimates over the mean estimate, as a function of the presented number, in the three conditions. f. Absolute error (solid line), defined as the absolute difference between a subject’s estimate and the correct number, and relative error (dashed line), defined as the ratio of the absolute error to the prior width, as a function of the prior width. In panels c-d, the responses of all the subjects are pooled together; error bars show twice the standard errors.
Discrimination task: the scale of subjects’ imprecision increases with the prior width; the relation is sublinear, but different than in the estimation task.
a. Illustration of the discrimination task: in each trial, subjects are shown five blue numbers and five red numbers, alternating in color, each for 500ms, after which they are asked to choose the color whose numbers have the higher average. b. Uniform prior distributions (from which the numbers of dots are sampled) in the two conditions of the task. c. Proportion of choices ‘red’ in the responses of the subjects (solid lines) and of the best-fitting model (dotted lines), as a function of the difference between the two averages, in the two conditions. d. Proportion of correct choices in subjects’ responses as a function of the absolute difference between the two averages divided by the square root of the prior width (left), by the prior width raised to the power 3/4 (middle), and by the prior width (right). The three subpanels are different representations of the same data. In panels c and d, the responses of all the subjects are pooled together; error bars show the 95% confidence intervals.
Estimation task: model fitting supports the hypothesis α = 1/2, both with pooled and individual responses.
Number of parameters (second-to-last column) and BIC (last column) of the Gaussian-representation model under different specifications regarding whether all subjects share the same values of the three parameters α, ν, and σ0 (first three columns). ‘Shared’ indicates that the responses of all the subjects are modeled with the same value of the parameter. ‘Indiv.’ indicates that different values of the parameter are allowed for different subjects. For the parameter α, ‘Fixed’ indicates that the value of α is fixed (thus it is not a free parameter); when the parameter α is ‘Shared’, it is a free parameter, and we indicate its best-fitting value in parentheses. In the first three lines of the table, all three parameters are shared across the subjects (the three lines differ only by the specification of α); while in the remaining lines at least one parameter is individually fit. In both cases the lowest BIC (indicated by a star) is obtained for a model with a fixed parameter α = 1/2.
Discrimination task: empirical across-subjects distribution of scaled best-fitting standard-deviation parameter.
The first panel shows the empirical cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the fitted parameter
Discrimination task: model fitting supports the hypothesis α = 3/4.
Number of parameters (second-to-last column) and BIC (last column) of the Gaussian-representation model under different specifications regarding the parameter α (first column) and the absence or presence of lapses (second column). In the bottom four lines the model features lapses, while it does not in the top four lines; in both cases the lowest BIC (indicated with a star) is obtained with the specification α = 3/4.