Synthetic lethality of partial Prtm5 loss with 3D.
(A) The heatmap showing the normalized gRNA reads for Prtm5 in 2D normoxia and hypoxia, 3D normoxia. Arrows indicate the first samples harvested for analysis.
(B) Western blot analysis with indicated antibodies after Prtm5 knockdown in NEJF10 cells.
(C) Colony formation of NEJF10 cells after 5 days of Prmt5 knockdown in 2D normoxia and hypoxia. Cells were stained with crystal violet.
(D) Incucyte monitoring of cell proliferation grown in 3D after Prtm5 knockdown in NEJF10 cells. ***p<0.001. p value is calculated by student t test by comparing the last reading. Data = mean+/- SD.
(E) Snapshot of NEJF10 cell with or without Prmt5 knockdown in 3D.
(F) Kaplan-Meier survival for mice of ABC-Myc::Prmt5+/+, ABC-Myc::Prmt5+/-, and ABC-Myc::Prmt5-/-. P values are calculated by log-rank test.
(G) Hematoxylin and eosin stain for tumor tissues obtained from mice of Prtm5-/-, ABC-Myc::Prmt5+/+, ABC-Myc::Prmt5+/-, and ABC-Myc::Prmt5-/-. Arrows indicate necrosis in tumor areas. Scale bar = 500mM.
(H) Quantification of normalized Mtap mRNA under 2D normoxia, 2D hypoxia and 3D normoxia from RNA-seq results. n=2 for each group.
(I) Real-time quantitative PCR to determine the expression of Mtap in NEJF10 cells cultured under 3D normoxia, 2D normoxia and hypoxia for 3 days. Blue and orange indicate results obtained from two different pairs of PCR primers against Mtap. n=3 for each group.****p<0.0001 student t test.
(J) Western blot analysis with indicated antibodies of NEJF10 whole cell lysates cultured from 3D normoxia, 2D normoxia and hypoxia for 3 days.
(K) IGV snapshot showing the ATAC-seq result for Mtap gene. The black arrow indicates the enhancers in Mtap gene are selectively lost in 3D.