Localization of monomeric and dimeric MinD variants
Cellular localization of (A) wild type MinD, (B) MinD K16A (apo monomer), (C) MinD G12V (ATP-bound monomer), and (D) MinD D40A (ATP-bound dimer, ATP hydrolysis deficient). Localization was monitored by an N-terminal mGFP fusion. Fusion proteins were expressed at the ectopic amyE locus, under control of a xylose-inducible promoter in either a ΔminD or ΔminCD background. Fluorescence images (left panels) and corresponding phase contrast images (inset) are shown in the left panels. Some minicells are indicated with red arrows. Scale bar is 2 μm. Middle panels show the transverse fluorescence intensity profiles (FIP) calculated using an average of at least 30 cells (ΔminCD background) per data set. Right panels depict the longitudinal fluorescence intensity profiles (FIP) using the ΔminCD background. The manually shaded red areas highlight the polar gradients. Additional examples for wild type MinD and the D40A variants are shown in Fig. S3. (E) Transversal fluorescence intensity profile (FIP) of exponentially growing wild-type cells stained with fluorescence membrane dye FM5-95, and wild-type cells expressing GFP are shown as controls. (F) Membrane affinities estimated from the valley/peak ratios shown in the middle panels of (A-D) and controls (E). (G) Longitudinal fluorescence intensity profile (FIP) along the exponentially growing wild-type cells stained with the fluorescence membrane dye FM5-95. Strains used in (A): LB249 and LB305, (B): LB250 and LB306, (C): LB251 and LB307, (D): LB252 and LB308, (E): LB609 and (G) 168.