Figures and data
POLK subcellular expression changes with increasing age, across multiple cortical regions.
A) Experimental design to longitudinally compare POLK cellular localization in mice brains.
B) Western blot of nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions from mice cortex in three age groups (each with three biological replicates). Nuclear POLK was detected normalized with histone levels and cytoplasmic POLK normalized to GAPDH. In nuclear fraction, a band above between 75-100 kDa and in cytoplasmic fraction bands between 75-200 kDa are seen.
C) Western blot of whole cell lysates from mouse brain cortex for each age time points using three biological replicates. A single POLK band was detected between 75-100 kDa and was normalized to tubulin.
D) Immunofluorescence (IF) followed by imaging and analysis using Cell Profiler of mouse brain sections. Visualization of POLK speckles (green) expression using immunohistochemistry in cells labeled by fluorescent-nissl (red) from wild-type mouse brain aged 1 month, and 18 months. Subcellular compartments were segmented and POLK was detected and measured separately inside the nucleus and in the cytoplasm.
E) Representative low (20x) and high magnification (63x) images of Polk expression using IF from Cg1, M1, M2, and S1 cortical regions in ages 1 month (N=3), 10 months (N=2), and 18 months (N=3). POLK (green) and Nissl depicting all cells (purple) (scale bar = 10um).
F) Boxplot showing nuclear and cytoplasmic POLK counts per unit area for each brain region in 1C grouped by age. n denotes the numbers of cells measured per time points under each boxplot.
G) Means plots with 95% confidence intervals showing the nuclear POLK speckle count and size decreasing with increasing age in Cg1, M1, M2, and S1 cortical areas.
H) Means plots with 95% confidence intervals show the cytoplasmic POLK granule count decreasing with a concomitant increase in size with age in Cg1, M1, M2, and S1 cortical areas.
I) Representative low (20x) and high magnification (63x) images of REV1 expression using IF from S1 and M1 cortical regions in ages 1 month, 10 months, and 18 months. REV1 (green) and Nissl depicting all cells (purple) (scale bar = 10um in 20x image). Arrowheads point nuclear speckles and arrows indicate cytoplasmic granules.
Absolute counts of nuclear Polk speckles
Size (area) of nuclear Polk speckles
Absolute counts of cytoplasmic Polk granules
Size (area) of cytoplasmic Polk granules
Colocalization and coexpression of POLK with DNA damage marker proteins in POLK nuclear speckles
A) Experimental design to longitudinally compare POLK colocalization with various DNA damage markers in three age group mice brains. Asterix denotes markers that were studied in three age groups, rest were evaluated in middle age only.
B) Schematic of cell class gating logic, registration, sub-cellular segmentation, POLK speckle detection, measurement of POLK counts, and POLK and DNA damage markers/repair protein intensities.
C1) Representative images showing colocalization of gH2AX, and channel separation of POLK, gH2AX, and POLK speckle overlay on POLK and gH2AX. POLK speckles detected inside the nucleus are outlined in yellow. IN class cells are outlined in red, PN class in green.
C2) Scatterplots of gH2AX intensity measured inside POLK nuclear speckle (y-axis) were plotted against POLK intensities (x-axis) shown for INs (red) and PNs (green). The correlation coefficient and p-values are indicated for each.
C3) Dot mean plots with 95% confidence error bars of gH2AX intensities in the y-axis in INs (red) and PNs (green) plotted as a function of age (x-axis).
D1) Representative images showing colocalization of 53BP1, and channel separation of POLK, 53BP1, and POLK speckle overlay on POLK and 53BP1. POLK speckles detected inside the nucleus are outlined in yellow. IN class cells are outlined in red, and PN class in green.
D2) Scatterplots of 53BP1 intensity measured inside POLK nuclear speckle (y-axis) were plotted against POLK intensities (x-axis) shown for INs (red) and PNs (green). The correlation coefficient and p-values are indicated for each.
D3) Dot mean plots with 95% confidence error bars of 53BP1 intensities in the y-axis in INs (red) and PNs (green) plotted as a function of age (x-axis).
E1) Representative images showing colocalization of 8oxo-dG, and channel separation of POLK, 8oxo-dG, and POLK speckle overlay on POLK and 8oxo-dG. POLK speckles detected inside the nucleus are outlined in yellow. IN class cells are outlined in red, and PN class in green.
E2) Scatterplots of 8oxo-dG intensity measured inside POLK nuclear speckle (y-axis) were plotted against POLK intensities (x-axis) shown for INs (red) and PNs (green). The correlation coefficients and p-values are indicated for each.
E3) Dot mean plots with 95% confidence error bars of 8oxo-dG intensities in the y-axis in INs (red) and PNs (green) plotted as a function of age (x-axis).
F1-F3) Left column, merged 63X representative images of IN and PN, with red arrowheads showing line scan area where intensities of POLK and PRKDC (F1), POLK and APE1 (F2), and POLK and LIG3 (F3) were measured. The right columns in F1-F3 shows corresponding IN and PN-derived scatterplots where y-axis shows PRKDC intensities (F1), APE1 (F2), LIG3 (F3), plotted against POLK intensities (x-axis). Separate plots shown for INs (red) and PNs (green). The correlation coefficients and p-values are indicated for each.
Cytoplasmic POLK expression co-localizing with stress granules and lysosomal proteins
A) Cytoplasmic POLK (green) expression co-localizing with G3BP1 (blue) in fluorescent-nissl stained cells (purple) of mouse brain tissue from M1 and S1 cortical regions in 18 months old brain but not in young 1 month.
B) Cytoplasmic POLK (green) expression co-localizing with LAMP1 (blue) in fluorescent-nissl stained cells (purple) of mouse brain tissue from M1 and S1 cortical regions of 18-month brain.
Nuclear POLK is differentially expressed based on cell-type in old brains.
A) Representative image of the detection of inhibitory interneurons (IN), excitatory pyramidal neurons (PN) and non-neuronal (NN) cell bodies using automated image analysis pipeline from a four-channel image of cortical areas.
B) Magnified view of the dotted box from subpanel A showing overlay of the nuclear, cytoplasmic segmentation outlines and detection of nuclear POLK speckles and cytoplasmic POLK granules in IN, PN, and NN cells from wild-type mice cortical areas M1 and S1.
C) Boxplots from brain areas show the nuclear POLK count is higher in INs than PNs and NNs across cortical areas in both young and old age groups.
Cell class nuclear Polk counts per area
Microglia associated with INs and PNs show significantly higher levels of cytoplasmic POLK expression.
A) Schematic of the experimental design showing age groups, cell class gating logic, scoring spatial interaction, subcellular segmentation, detection, and measurement of POLK in the cytoplasmic compartment.
B) A representative single 20x imaging field shows outlines of detected cell bodies of IN (red), PN (green). Iba1+ microglia (MG) that are attached or wrapped to neurons (MG-tied, filled light pink and arrows) and microglia that are within one body length of a neuron (blue fill with an asterisk) as well as unassociated microglia (blue fill). Channel separation shown for the four-channel super-resolution confocal image, fluorescent-nissl, NeuN, and Gad67 = IN, fluorescent-nissl, and NeuN = PN, and fluorescent-nissl, and Iba1 = MG.
C) Representative images from M1 and S1 cortical areas shows an overall increase in Iba1-positive cells in early old age compared to young. Yellow arrowheads point to MG-tied neurons.
D) Boxplot showing the difference in cytoplasmic POLK granule median intensity between MG-free and MG-tied INs and PNs across middle, early old, and late old time age groups. T-test p-values and effect sizes are shown for each comparison.
Kainic acid-induced neuronal activity causes POLK subcellular localization in young ex-vivo brain.
A) Schematic of the experimental design showing age groups, ex-vivo treatment of kainic acid, and control groups, followed by, immunostaining, imaging, and the measurement of nuclear and cytoplasmic POLK.
B) Boxplot of cFOS levels between ACSF control and kainic acid-treated groups at 80min and 160min post-exposure intervals between young and old brains. t-Test shows a robust and significant cFOS level increase at 160min in both age groups.
C) Boxplot of nuclear POLK speckle counts per unit between ACSF control and kainic acid-treated groups at 80min and 160min post-exposure intervals between young and old brains. t-Test shows a significant increase in nuclear POLK at 160min in the young brains.
D) Boxplot of cytoplasmic POLK granule counts per unit area between ACSF control and kainic acid-treated groups at 80min and 160min post-exposure intervals between young and old brains. T-test shows there is a significant decrease in cytoplasmic granule counts upon kainic acid treatment after 160min in young brains.
E) Boxplot of cytoplasmic POLK granule size measured by area contained, between ACSF control and kainic acid-treated groups at 80min and 160min post-exposure intervals between young and old brains. T-test shows there is a significant but tiny decrease in cytoplasmic granule counts upon kainic acid treatment after 160min in young brains.
Subcellular expression of POLK is a learnable feature predictive of organismal age and IN, PN, and NN cell class from mouse brain tissue.
A1-2) Random Forest (A1) and Gradient Boosting (A2) classifier can distinguish between 1-month, 10-month, and 18-month-old age groups upon training on the subcellular nuclear and cytoplasmic distribution of POLK counts using data from figure 1F and 1G. Top bar shows the number of cells used for training, validation, and test samples of the total. Area Under Receiver Operator Curve (AUROC) values show the performance of the classifier for each age group when tested on the holdout groups. The bar plot shows the relative contribution of the image parameters and image metadata indicating cytoplasmic POLK counts as the major driver.
A3-4) Random Forest (A3) and Gradient Boosting (A4) classifier can distinguish between middle to late-old ages 10-month, 18-month, and 24-27-month age groups upon training on the subcellular nuclear and cytoplasmic distribution of POLK counts, POLK intensities in nuclear speckles and cytoplasmic granules, MG association and other metadata from figure 5. Top bar shows the data split for training, validation and test groups. Major driver of performance is cytoplasmic POLK intensity and counts.
B1-2) Random Forest (B1) and Gradient Boosting (B2) classifier can distinguish between broad IN, PN, and NN cell class with high AUROC values. Nuclear POLK per unit area and nuclear area are the major feature drivers of performance.
associated with Figure 1
S1A(i) Western blot of nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions from mouse brain cortex in 3months, 10months, and 18-month-aged brains of all three biological replicates using Abclonal antibody (A12052), a portion of which is displayed in main Figure 1B.
S1A(ii) Western blot of nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions from mouse brain cortex in 3months, 10months, and 18-month mouse cortex using Santa Cruz antibody (SC-166667).
S1B) Total cell lysates of all three biological replicates from 3-month, 10-month, and 18 months mouse cortex, a portion of which is displayed in main Figure 1C.
S1C(i) Immunofluorescence staining with anti-POLK antibody with SC-166667 on mouse primary neuronal cultures treated with Polk siRNA (top row) showing a marked reduction in nuclear POLK levels after 48hrs, compared to scrambled siRNA control (bottom row). S1C(ii) qPCR of Polk transcript shows a 35% reduction upon siRNA against Polk but not scrambled control siRNA. Polh mRNA levels were not affected by siRNA against Polk.
S1D) Immunofluorescence staining of wild-type 18-month-old mouse, from brain cortical area S1 shows a similar pattern and distribution of POLK nuclear speckles (arrowheads) and cytoplasmic granules (arrows). The bottom row is a crop of the boxed area in the corresponding top image.
S1E) Immunofluorescence staining of wild-type mouse brain cortical areas S1 and M1 also shows POLI punctate nuclear expression resembling speckles and progressive cytoplasmic accumulation with age at 10 and 18 months.
associated with Figure 2: Scatter plots showing intensity-intensity plots from INs (red) and PNs (green), where y-axis is KU70, XRCC1, and XRCC4, intensity levels plotted against POLK intensities in the x-axis. The correlation coefficients and p-values are indicated for each.
associated with Figure 3: Additional representative image with channel separation for immunofluorescence staining of wild-type mouse brain cortical areas S1, showing cytoplasmic POLK is colocalized with stress granule marker G3BP1 and endo/lysosomal marker LAMP1. Arrows indicate few representative sites of colocalization in both images.
associated with Figure 5:
Boxplots comparing the nuclear POLK median intensity and cytoplasmic POLK granule count between MG-free and MG-tied INs and PNs across middle, early-old, and late-old time age groups. T-test p-values are shown for each comparison.