Mitotic activity is upregulated by membrane depolarization.

(A) Representative image of mitotic cell. The images were 20 minute before and after cytokinesis. Scale bar is 10 μm. (B) The number of mitotic cells was accumulated for every 1.5 hours and normalized against those of first 1.5 hour with 5 K solution and plotted against time after starting the time-lapse imaging. Data are mean±SEM (C) Accumulated total mitotic cell number for 7.5 hours. p=0.044 (one sample t-test). U; U0126

ERK is activated upon high K+ perfusion.

(A) YFP/CFP ratio images at the indicated time points. Serum starved U2OS cells expressing EKAREV were perfused with 145 mM high K+ solution at 10 minutes, followed by the addition of 10 nM EGF at 30 minutes. Scale bar is 10 mm. The color scale indicates YFP/CFP ratio. (B) ERK activity with high K+ perfusion. Serum-starved cells were treated with various concentrations of K+ solution at 10 min, followed by the addition of 10 nM EGF at 30 min. Normalized % ERK (response by high K / response by EGF; see in the text) activity was calculated as follows, the normalized YFP/CFP (see in the text) was divided by the normalized maximum YFP/CFP after subtracting the mean normalized YFP/CFP at 8-10 min. Data are mean±SEM. N=16, 15 and 23 for 145K+, 30K+ and 15K+, respectively. (C) The relationship between the K+ concentration and the % ERK activity. p=0.00013 (Kruskal-Wallis). (D) The relationship between the logarithm of K+ concentration and the % ERK activity. R is Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The gray area is 95% confidence interval. (E) Mean normalized YFP/CFP ratio perfused with Ca+ free 145 K+ high K solution. Starved cells were incubated with 5K+ (Ca+ free) solution, followed by perfusion with 145mM K+ (Ca+ free) solution at 10 min. 10nM EGF was added at 30 min. Data are mean±SEM. N=14 (F) The % ERK activity in the Ca(+) and Ca(-) solution. The data for Ca(+) were the same as in Fig.2C(145K+). p=0.82 (Wilcoxon rank sum exact test)

ERK activity depends on membrane voltage

(A to C) Mean normalized YFP/CFP ratio. Starved cells were depolarized from a holding potential of -80mV to depolarized membrane potentials (−40, -20 and 0 mV for A, B, and C, respectively) at 5 minutes, followed by repolarization to -80mV at 10 minute. 10nM EGF was perfused at 15 minutes. Data are mean±SD. N=4, 8 and 10 for -40, -20 and 0 mV, respectively. (D to F) Average normalized YFP/CFP ratio for the first 5 min (−80mV), maximum normalized YFP/CFP ratio at depolarized phase (−40, -20 and 0mV for A, B, and C, respectively), minimum normalized YFP/CFP ratio at repolarized phase (−80mV) and maximum normalized YFP/CFP ratio at EGF stimulated phase (EGF), respectively. Data are mean±SEM. The p-values were calculated using Student’s t test. (G) The relationship between membrane potential and % ERK activity. p=0.0042 (Kruskal-Wallis). R is Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The gray area is 95% confidence interval.

The molecular mechanism by which regulate depolarization-induced mitosis.

(A) Immunoblot analysis of cells perfused with 145K+ solution. (B) Quantification of relative mean band intensity of pERK, pMEK and pcRaf from independent experiments conducted as in (A). Data are mean±SD. (C) Ras activity was monitored by FLIM-FRET imaging. The donor (mTurquoise-GL) lifetime of U2OS cells expressing Raichu-Ras at the indicated time point. The experimental condition was the same as in Fig.2A. Data are mean±SEM. N= 17 (D) Schema of intermolecular FRET experiment. Phosphatidylserine clustering was monitored by FLIM-FRET imaging of U2OS cells co-expressing CFP-LactC2 and YFP-LactC2. (E) The fluorescence lifetime of CFP-LactC2. The fluorescence lifetime of CFP-LactC2 decreased when YFP-LactC2was co-expressed in the same cells. p=0.00080 (Welch Two Sample t-test) (F) The normalized fluorescence lifetime of CFP-LactC2 was measured at the indicated time point. The experimental condition was the same as in Fig.2A except the EGF stimulation. Data are mean±SEM. N=25 (G) CFP-LactC2 lifetime images at the indicated time points. The experimental condition is described above. Scale bar is 10 μm. The color scale indicates CFP-LactC2 lifetime. (H) Mean normalized YFP/CFP ratio from phosphatidylserine-depleted starved cells treated with 145 K+ solution at 10 minute, followed by the addition of 10nM EGF. Data are mean±SEM. N=25 (I) The % ERK activity with or without Fendiline treatment. The data for Fendiline(−) were the same as in Fig.2C(145K+). p=4.4e-9(Wilcoxon rank sum exact test).