Schematic representation of the experimental designs and HD-tDCS electrode montages employed in the study.
A) Awake experiments. fMRI data were acquired before, during, and after 20 min of tDCS stimulation at 2 mA intensity. The anodal electrode (red) was either placed over the right prefrontal cortex (F4) and the cathodal electrode (blue) over the left occipital cortex (O1) (“anodal” montage), or a “reversed” montage was used, with the cathodal electrode over F4 and the anodal electrode over O1 (“cathodal” montage). B) Anesthesia experiments. fMRI data were recorded before, during, and after 20 min of consecutive 1 mA and 2 mA tDCS stimulation. An anodal electrode montage was employed, targeting the left or right prefrontal cortex (F4/O1 or F3/O2) depending on the animal and its anatomical constraints. Before: before stimulation. Anodal and post-Anodal: during and after anodal HD-tDCS of the PFC. Cathodal and post-Cathodal: during and after cathodal HD-tDCS of the PFC.