Quantification of Purkinje cell synapses in the brainstem.
GABAergic boutons were detected using a vGAT antibody and PC presynaptic boutons were detected based on tdT-synaptophysin labelling in PC/synaptophysin-tdTomato mice.
A. (upper left) Confocal image of td-Tomato fluorescence.
(upper right) GFP fluorescence in CGRP-GFP mouse in which the locus coeruleus and facial nerve are labelled. (lower left) vGAT labelling of GABAergic boutons.
(lower right) Allen Atlas coronal section corresponding to confocal images with landmarks used for registration highlighted in cyan.
B. (upper left) vGAT labelling in a single confocal section. (upper right) tdT labelling in a single confocal section.
(lower left) z-stack of vGAT and tdT labelling in 5 sections (1.5 μm thick).
(lower right) Detected GABAergic boutons based on vGAT labelling (grey) and PC boutons (red).
C. (left) GABAergic boutons corresponding to PCs (red), and neurons other than PCs (grey). (right) Labelled anatomic regions.
D. Number of PC synapses detected per section in each region. Symbol colors correspond to the sections in C.
E. Density of PC boutons in each region.
F. Percentages of GABAergic boutons that correspond to PCs for each region.