Inducing seizures in epileptic animals differs from optical kindling in naïve animals.
(A) Initial optogenetic activations in naïve animals induced low frequency afterdischarges. Representative EEG trace with 3 segments of 10 s at the start, middle, and end of seizure enlarged. (B) Following multiple days of stimulation, application of activation stimulus in the same animal induced Racine 5 seizures. (C) Rate of electrographic afterdischarges from optogenetic activation did not significantly differ between naïve and epileptic animals. Percent of behavioral electrographic events significantly differed between naïve and epileptic animals on stimulation day 1 through 3. Average Racine score of electrographic inductions significantly differed between naïve and epileptic animals on stimulation day 1 through 4. Pairwise T test: * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001. (D) In the first 4 days of stimulation, inductions in naïve (100 inductions, n = 7) and epileptic animals (87 inductions, n = 10) significantly differed in the feature space. Differences were reduced, but still existed, on stimulation day 5 or later (epileptic – 75 inductions, n = 7; naïve – 58 inductions, n = 7). Linear Mixed Effect Model: * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001.