Validation of the non-destructive in situ observation of 3D spheroids by the multi-angel observation device. A) The illustration of the multi-angle observation device; B) Exploded view diagram of the multi-angle observation device; C) The definition of the bottom-view and the side-view of a spheroid sample; D) The working principle of the device; E) The photo of the petri dish mounted on the sample stage of the microscope. F) The 0.3 mm round-type microscope calibration slide for side-view observation. G) The bottom-view and side-view images of the 0.03 mm microscope calibration slide were captured with different objective lenses. H) The length of the 0.3 mm dot measured from the bottom-view and side-view captured images. I) A 0.03 mm line-type microscope calibration slide was vertically fixed to a base positioned at a 90° angle to the start of another microscope calibration slide. J) The photograph of the microscope calibration slide and the image of the edge of the first surface mirror (gray part) by the microscope. K) The images were captured with the distance between the mirror and the sample at 2 mm, 3 mm, and 4 mm. L) The length of the 0.3 mm line-type calibration slide measured from the bottom-view and side-view images captured with the distance between the mirror and the sample at 2 mm, 3 mm, and 4 mm. M) The optical path in the cell culture medium and the chromatic aberration generated. N) The fitting curve between NA and relative offset distance between 486.1 nm to 656.3 nm (Δl) when d is 1 mm, 2 mm, 3 mm, and 4 mm. O) The bottom-view and side-view images of 0.03 mm microscope calibration slide captured with 4×, 10×, 20×, and 40× objective lenses in ddH2O and DMEM medium. P) The length of the 0.3 mm line-type calibration slide was measured in ddH2O and DMEM mediums through the bottom view and side view. (error bars = SD, n = 5)