Responses to mechanical inferences in anterior medial ventral occipito-temporal cortex (VOTC).
Panel A: Percent signal change (PSC) for each condition among the top 5% Illness-Causal > Mechanical-Causal vertices in a left anterior medial VOTC mask (Hauptman, Elli, et al., 2023) in individual participants, established via a leave-one-run-out analysis. Panel B: The intersection of two whole-cortex contrasts, Mechanical-Causal > Illness-Causal and Mechanical-Causal > Non-Causal, FWER cluster-correction for multiple comparisons (p < .05 FWER, cluster-forming threshold p < .01 uncorrected). Vertices are color coded on a scale from p=0.01 to p=0.00001. Similar to PC responses to illness inferences, anterior medial VOTC is the only region to emerge across both mechanical inference contrasts. The average PPA location from separate study involving perceptual place stimuli (Weiner et al., 2017) is overlaid in black. The average PPA location from separate study involving verbal place stimuli (Hauptman, Elli, et al., 2023) is overlaid in blue.