Inferred connections between different respiratory interneuronal populations.
By matching the firing phenotype of the receiver neuron and its synaptic inputs we infer possible motifs of interactions between the functional populations of the active network. In this representation, we assume that the functional connection between populations is present, if a post-synaptic neuron of a particular firing phenotype has a dynamic component of the synaptic conductance statistically significantly different from zero (see Materials and methods: Statistical significance) in the phase range corresponding to the activity pattern of the pre-synaptic population. Here we show two examples of such inferences for each phenotype representing the most straightforward interpretation of synaptic inputs (A1, B1, C1, D1, E1 and F1) as well as interactions involving the least number of populations (A2, B2, C2, D2, E2 and F2), reflecting the cell-to-cell variability in conductance profiles with some neurons within a given electrophysiological phenotype exhibiting the smaller set of synaptic inputs. Possible inhibitory/excitatory connections are shown by blue/red lines ending with blue circles/red arrows originating from presynaptic neurons and terminating at the post-synaptic neurons. Inhibitory sources are shown in blue, and the excitatory sources are shown in red. These circuit motifs are consistent with the patterns of synaptic inputs to the various neurons, as described in the text for each electrophysiological phenotype, and account for our immuno-histochemical identification of inhibitory neurons as subpopulations of most of the electrophysiological types as indicated in the text.