Oligodendrocyte reduction after 3 weeks old in mice does not affect PC activity synchrony and mouse behaviors except for motor learning.
A, B, Fluorescence microscopy images comparing ASPA expression in the cerebellum of control (CTL) and 3-week DTA-treated (3W_DTA) mice at 4 weeks (A) and 8 weeks (B) old. ASPA-positive oligodendrocytes appear in pink. Scale bar, 50µm. C, Quantification of the number of ASPA-positive cells per mm² in the cerebellum of CTL and 3W_DTA mice at 4 and 8 weeks old, with data points for each field of view overlaid on the bar graphs (mean). D, Representative calcium imaging traces from PCs in the cerebellar cortex of control (CTL) and 3-week DTA-treated (3W_DTA) mice at 4weeks old, showing 25 regions of interest (ROIs). E, Correlation coefficient matrices of calcium transients between ROIs from CTL and 3W_DTA mice, indicating the level of synchrony, with warmer colors representing higher correlation coefficients. F, Line graph depicting mean correlation coefficients with increasing inter-ROI distance for CTL and 3W_DTA mice. Error bars indicate SEM. G, Scatter plot comparing the correlation coefficients of calcium transients in PCs between adjacent ROIs in CTL and 3W_DTA mice. H-J, Bar graphs displaying mean frequency (H), amplitude (I), and area (J) of fluorescence calcium transients for CTL and 3W_DTA mice, with significant differences denoted by asterisks. Data points represent individual ROIs. K-M, Assessment of exploratory behavior and locomotor activity in control (CTL, orange) and 3 weeks DTA- injected (3W_DTA, cyan) mice in a novel environment, with trajectories of mouse exploratory behavior (F), distance traveled (G), and time spent in center (H). N, O, Representative images and quantitative analysis of sociality in CTL and 3W_DTA mice. N displays the heatmap of mouse exploratory behavior, and (O) shows the mean percentage of time spent around strange mouse with data points representing individual mice. P, Line graph showing mean latency to fall in the rotarod test over a three-day period for CTL and 3W_DTA mice. Error bars show SEM. Statistical significance is indicated by asterisks (**p < 0.01, **** p < 0.0001, Mann- Whitney U tests).