DNa02 participates in compass-directed steering.
A) A bump of activity rotates around the ensemble of EPG neurons (compass neurons) as the fly turns. We microstimulate PEN1 neurons with ATP to evoke a bump jump. This is followed by a compensatory behavioral turn that returns the bump to its initial location.
B) Percentage of trials with a bump jump after the ATP puff. Each point is a fly (each genotype n=4). In controls lacking PEN1 Gal4, ATP only occasionally preceded bump jumps, which is likely coincidental, as the bump often moves spontaneously.
C1) Change in bump position after ATP. The bump returns to its initial position in many trials (red) but not all (gray) in this sample experiment. C2) Red trials from C1 aligned to the time of maximal bump return speed, color-coded by the fly’s steering direction during bump return.
D) The fly’s rotational velocity during the bump return, plotted against the initial bump jump. Clockwise bump jumps are generally followed by rightward turns (which drive bump return via a counterclockwise path), and vice versa. Clockwise bump jumps (18 trials) and counter-clockwise bump jumps (35 trials) are followed by significantly different mean rotational velocities (p<0.05, t-tailed t-test, pooling data from 4 flies).
E) Example trial. Top: DNa02 activity. Middle: fly’s rotational velocity toward the left side, i.e., the side of the recorded DNa02 neuron). Bottom: grayscale EPG ΔF/F over time, where each row is a 45°-sector of the compass, and red is bump position. ATP causes a bump jump (arrowhead). Then, the left copy of DNa02 bursts, the fly turns left, and the bump returns via a clockwise path (arrowhead).
F) Trials where the bump returned to its initial location via a clockwise path were aligned to the time of peak bump speed. Trials were averaged within a fly, and then across flies (mean ± SEM across flies, n=4 flies).
G) In an example experiment., rotational velocity correlates with DNa02 firing rate on a trial-to-trial basis (R2=0.51, p=3×10-3, two-tailed t-test). Trials are color-coded as in (D). In all other experiments, p was also <0.05.
H) Data sorted by the direction of the bump’s return (mean±SEM across flies, n=4 flies). Whereas clockwise (blue) bump returns were typically preceded by leftward turning, counter-clockwise (green) bump returns were preceded by rightward turning, as expected. On average, the left copy of DNa02 was only excited on trials where the bump moved clockwise, meaning the fly was turning left.