DEER distance distributions of TmPPase S525R1 under different conditions.
A. Structure of the TmPPase dimer, with monomers A and B coloured cyan and purple, respectively. The sites mutated to cysteine and labelled with MTSSL are shown by maroon spheres, with T211R1 on the cytoplasmic (top) side and S525R1 on the periplasmic (bottom) side of the membrane. B. DEER raw data traces for S525R1. Each condition measured is coloured accordingly. C. DEER background corrected time-domain traces for S525R1. The black dashed line represents the base of the oscillation in the apo state and acts as a guide to highlight the small distance changes where the base of the oscillation comes before (shorter distance) or after (longer distance) the line. D. The overlap between the predicted distance distribution of S525R1 from the solved crystal structures (TmPPase:Ca, TmPPase:Ca:ETD, TmPPase:ZLD, and TmPPase:IDP), shown as coloured dashed lines, with the resulting DEER distance distributions at the respective conditions. The vertical black dashed line represents the mean distance for the apo state to highlight changes from this to shorter and longer distances. The grey-shaded regions represent the uncertainty in the distribution and the coloured bar above the x-axis represents the DeerAnalysis ‘traffic light’ system for assessing the reliability of the distribution presented. For the time window of this dataset, the distances within the regions highlighted in green and yellow indicate the reliability of the mean distance, peak shape, and width. For distance peaks within the orange region (> 5.0 nm), only the mean distance is considered reliable70. The data were all processed in DeerAnalysis, with validation in the same way as described in the methods.