A table of partial pooling behaviour for different likelihood and prior combinations. Rows are the two prior choices for the population distribution, and columns the two distributions for the data. Within each cell the expectation of the marginal posterior p(exp(γi)|θ, τ, y) is plotted as a function of τ. The solid black line is the expectation of the marginal posterior p(θ|τ, y) with one standard deviation highlighted in grey. Top left: Combining a normal prior for the population with a Poisson likelihood is unsatisfactory in the presence of a zero observation. The zero observations influence the population mean in an extreme way owing to their high importance under the Poisson likelihood. Bottom left: By changing to a horseshoe prior the problematic zero observations can escape the regularisation machinery. However, regularisation of the estimates with positive observations is much less impactful. Top right: A zero-inflated Poisson likelihood accounts for the zero observations with an added process, reducing the burden on the population estimate to compromise between extreme values. Bottom right: No model.